Chapter 6.

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We watched movies till it was two in the morning, and I felt my body beginning to shut down. I fell asleep almost immediately after "Grown Ups 2" had finished.

I woke up feeling well-rested. It was the best sleep I've had in a while and I felt completely okay for once. No anxiety, no problems, all calmness. I knew Eren wouldn't be by my side whenever I woke up, he just never seemed like the type of guy to stay over. His emotional walls were held very sturdy and high, and bringing them down wouldn't be easy. I checked my phone and found many missed calls by all of my friends.

"Oh, I never responded," I groan, and then a thought filled my headspace: Sasha. I had to have a talk with her, no more hiding what has to be talked about. I sent her a text asking her to meet up for breakfast. We had to have a small chat that we knew we had to have, she agreed. I made sure to shower, brush my teeth, and do my hair before getting dressed.

I rummaged through my closet, it was a simple encounter with my best friend, who happened to have feelings for the guy she knew I fancied first, but this talk had to happen. One of us had to get out of each other's way for the other, and I had a gut feeling that it would be me. I'm not the type to fight with my own best friend over a boy, so whatever it was, I was willing to fix it for Sasha. Even if I had to stay away from Eren for good, anything to keep Sasha by my side. I put on a black crop top, a pair of khaki boyfriend jeans, and my black high-top platform converse. I readjusted my carnelian crystal bracelet and was on my way to have breakfast with Sasha.

I strolled downstairs and my dad was standing in front of the staircase. He had a huge smile on his face, which shocked me.

"Hey Amelia, where are you going all dressed up?" He asked me.

"Uh, hanging out with Sasha. Bye," I say trying to avoid any more conversation with him.

"How're things with Jean?" He asked me excitedly.

"Father, I don't like Jean like that, and I probably never will, okay? Seriously, don't try to force something that just won't work," I complain to him.

"And you think hanging out with Eren Jaeger will?" He asks in disbelief. How did he know I was even spending time with Eren?

"Oh don't look surprised as if I didn't hear him sneaking out of our house last night," He rolls his eyes.

"Okay? And what is it to you? Eren and I aren't even a thing, and I doubt we ever will be," I point out and my dad shakes his head.

"I don't care, I don't want you spending any time with him at all. He's dangerous Amelia, and spending time with so many boys, really makes you look like a slut," My dad pleads and I laugh sarcastically.

"Please! Dangerous? I live with you, it couldn't get any worse. I'm going now," I wave him off angrily before leaving the house. This is what I didn't want. I didn't want another encounter with my dad where he tries to tell me what to do, when he has never been present in my life, and he has never cared about me enough to show it. The only time he's around, he's violent and abusive. It frustrates me really. I know Eren is dangerous, but I can't help the compulsion he has put over me. This chat with Sasha determined everything, whether I would keep seeing Eren, or avoid him for the rest of my life.

Sasha and I decided to meet at Olive Garden. I walked inside and told the lady I had a reservation for two, she smiled and walked me to my table. Sasha was sitting there, chewing on the straw of her sweet tea, her favorite drink. Whatever awkwardness was going on between Sasha and me, would end today. We had known each other since we were kids, and I don't think she would let anything come between us.

"Hey babe," I smile sitting down across from her, and she gives me an awkward smile. The tension has been building up between us for quite a while now and I was hoping it would get better.

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