Having a Ball Part 2

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< Third-Person POV >

"Good, good, keep it up!"

Kotaro Tatsumi clapped his hands together as Yugiri danced elegantly, not a single misstep in the routine by the courtesan as Byleth looked on.

"Your assistance is quite beneficial, Mr. Tatsumi, much appreciated." He compliments the manager's skills.

"I did help the girls with the choreography for their performances, helping only one of them in a dance competition can be done in a snap!" Kotaro snapped his fingers as he said that before focusing on Yugiri once more.

"My my, these moves are actually quite simple compared to what we had back in Saga." Yugiri states before she pirouettes.

"You should not underestimate your opponents though, one of them is an experienced stage performer as well." Byleth informs her as she nods her head in understanding.

"I see... then I must put enough effort into this routine until it is perfected."

Kotaro continued instructing her through the motions along with Byleth within the weeks leading up to the Grand Ball. Since there was a mission after the event however, other students chose to polish their skills to gain new classes, specifically Junko and Lily.

"Ah, thank goodness..." The former sighed in relief as she managed to pass her Certification Exam to obtain the Bishop class.

Lily was more excited that she had passed hers, "Yay! Lily's a Warlock!", a big smile forming on the young girl's face.

Junko begins to imagine adorable little Lily in a dark robe casting spells at poor fellows who oppose her, making her feel chills as Lily looks at her in confusion.

"So glad that's over! Now Lily can relax and have some sweets, do you want some?" She asks her floofy haired companion.

"Hm? Oh! That would be lovely, thank you. It would help ease my mind on a couple of things."

"Like what? The ball? I'm sure that'll be lots of fun!"

"It is certainly exciting, but I'm just worried of some sort of incident occurring. Especially since the librarian turned out to be evil and the Death Knight is roaming around with that Flame Emperor..." Junko begins to worry.

"Ughhhh, Lily was trying to forget all of that! But we should try to find some ways to have fun, y'know? It's not often you get transported to another world and go to a fancy ball!"

"That's very true..." Junko chuckled a little as the two of them continued walking towards the garden.

The two of them then glanced over to some students having a chat about the old chapel, how other students were seen entering it and not coming out. The zombie girls overheard it before quickly walking to their destination.

"How about we change the subject?" The Showa Idol told the child tv star.

"Okay!" Lily thought for a bit as she munched on a cookie, "What class are you gonna work towards next? Lily wants to be a Valkyrie!"

"Valkyrie?" Junko tilted her head a bit.

"A magic user on a horse! The professor has some extra exam passes, so I hope I get chosen. I'm trying to come up with a good name for my horse once I get one. Using magic while riding a horse sounds so fun!"

Junko then begins to think about the same dark warlock Lily on top of a dark steed before snapping back to reality, "Ah, I see... well I'm not really sure what I could go for. Faith magic is my main focus, but I am left wondering how I would handle close range opponents, or ones that are immune to that type of magic..."

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