Road to Remire Return

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Disclaimer: So I decided that the rest of the Cindered Shadows arc will take too long, and it would be hard to explain, asides from the stuff with the Staff of Fodra. So let's just say it all happened off-page so we could get into the Remire Village thing quickly. (And about the Cindered Shadows ending, let's just say the Ashen Wolves will still pop up quite a bit) Hope you all don't mind. Enjoy the chapter!

< Third-Person POV >

"Well, we're doomed. Good evening, my former house leader." Linhardt states as Edelgard gets closer to Kotaro's face.

"Not now Linhardt, I must confer with this man for the information he has been withholding from the entire monastery. I must ask you again... who are you people?" Edelgard demands an answer from the manager.

"I think you better answer her Tatsumi, she is the future empress of the Adrestian Empire after all, royalty." Linhardt shrugged.

"Well um... you see... LOOK A RAT!" Kotaro pointed at the ground suddenly.

"Agh!" Edelgard jumped back in surprise, and when she looked back up both of them were gone, "Oh for the love of... hm..." she thought to herself.


The two of them ran out to the garden and stopped to catch their breath.

Linhardt panted, "If I had to run for any longer... then I'd have no energy left to do crest research. I know you can't let anyone else find out about it , but you can't do this forever."

"What choice do we have? The moment it gets out that the girls are zombies, then the Knights and Lady Rhea will be in a panic! We can't let that happen after being here for months! It would have all been for nothing! We'd get kicked out and have nowhere to go, no information on the staff!" Kotaro got up in the green-haired student's face.

"You're lucky you two got out of there before Edelgard found out, I'm not sure she would tell Lady Rhea but... I sure won't." A voice comes out from behind the two of them.

It was Claude and Sylain was next to him.

"Oh boy, Claude. How much of that did you hear? And how are you recovering after the squid incident?" Lin looked unamused at the Golden Deer leader's presence.

"Let's see a little... some... maybe most of... yeah all of it. And yeah I'm healing up well, that Tae's got quite the appetite, could even rival Raphael, which I think she's doing right now."

Off in the dining hall Tae sneezes and Raphael promptly hands her a handkerchief with a smile.

"Sorry guys, I kinda wanted to talk to him about setting His Highness up with Marianne, but when he spotted you two with Edelgard... yeah his curiosity peaked." Sylvain rubs the back of his head.

"So the gals are undead rotting corpses, eh? Funny, I thought they'd be less friendly and talkative. And more... brain-hungry..." The young man said mimicking a zombie motion, making Sylvain chuckle.

"Ugh... you have to promise not to tell anyone connected to the Church!!" Kotaro yelled at Claude as the latter blocked his ears.

"You do realize the more people who know about this secret, the more likely it is to be revealed, you know? And like he said, we were lucky to escape Edelgard..." Linhardt sighed.

"Yeah, and the fact that Teach is getting more and more people to join Blue Lions, it's gonna be even more difficult. I'll try not to let this get out, since having you lot around is making the year more fun than I expected ha." Claude put his arms behind his head.

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