The Sword of the Creator

43 1 0

Third-Person POV

Insert Song: Fódlan Winds

Felix slashes at an enemy archer protecting Annette and Junko, "Stand back if you can't fight well, you'll just get in the way.", he tells them as he goes after an axe wielder.

"Ooooh, I'll show him. Maybe if I perform better than him, then he'll have no choice but to forget!" Annie pouts.

"Forget what?" Junko asks, tilting her head in confusion.

Annette blushes a little, "Uh... nothing! Let's catch up with the Professor!".

The two scurry on, meanwhile on the opposite side of the Mausoleum Sakura spots a creepy looking knight on a horse, a metal skull-shaped mask covering his face with glowing red eyes.

"Eep!" a startled Sakura says as she catches up to Dimitri.

"That knight looks like he has experience. It would be foolish to challenge him recklessly." He says while taking down his opponent.

"You don't have to tell me twice..." Sakura replies knocking down hers with her lance.

"Ahh help!" Bernadetta cries out as she misses her shot on a swordsman, who was now approaching her quickly.

"I'll save you! Fire!" Lily shoots a Fire spell and roasts the swordsman as Bernie gives a sigh of relief.

Marianne heals up Saki and Leonie, thanking her before they both charge back into the fray.

"Oh dear..." she says to herself, witnessing bodies of their foes collapsing as the battle against the intruders continues.

Suddenly reinforcements emerge from behind and charge towards her, since she was the closest to the entrance.

"Marianne!" Dimitri cries out as he runs quickly to her side and guards the oncoming attacks.

Tae and Dedue then arrive to assist with the protection of their second healer, with the former biting them before the latter knocks them down with his axe. Marianne is safe as Dimitri helps her off the ground.

"Are you alright, ack..." He asks her, clutching his right arm.

"I am, thank you..." She responds, as she heals him up.

A mysterious mage is then spotted by the casket of Saint Seiros.

"You're too late! The seal will be broken any minute now..." He tells the Blue Lions as he prepares to open the casket.

Byleth, along with Ai and Ashe finish up with the opponents they're dealing with, "I'll go after him." the professor states.

"We'll provide some assistance by firing at him." Ai responds to his statement.

"Very well, cover me while I charge straight on."

The two archers nod as they follow him to where the mysterious mage is still opening the casket.

"No hesitation!" Byleth yells out as he slashes away at the other mages around him.

"I've got you!" Ashe does the same as he fires an arrow into an enemy soldier.

"Adieu!" Ai decides to join in in the crit quote parade as she switches to her sword to deal a heavy blow to another mage.

(Insert Song ends)

"It's no use! The seal is broken. You can't–Huh? A sword?" the mysterious mage pulls out an old sword from the casket of Saint Seiros as Byleth runs at him, disarming and catching the sword from the mage's hands.

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