The Blade Breaker's Kindness

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Third-Person POV

The year is 1180 in the land of Fódlan during the Pegasus Moon. Two months before Jeralt's band of mercenaries depart for the Kingdom of Faerghus for a new assignment. The son of their leader discovers eight individuals and one strange looking dog while on patrol in the surrounding forest. After saving one of them from a small group of bandits, he leads them towards the current village that the mercenary company was staying in. During their walk, the blank, emotionless expression on Byleth's face intimidated Sakura and Junko, while it intrigued Ai who was surveying the area around them. The sky was only slightly cloudy, and the clouds that remained were split as wyvern and pegasus riders raced to test their abilities. For the longest time there was silence, until the biker chick spoke up.

"It's Byleth, right? Yo Byleth, where the hell are we going, and most importantly where the hell are we?" Saki asked while crossing her arms behind her head.

The teal-haired protagonist answered with "We're going to see my father. I assume you all are from a far-off region, so I welcome you to Fódlan." leaving the idols and manager confused.

"Um, could you repeat that please?" responded Junko, with a surprised expression on her face.

"I've never heard of this place before, is it a continent or a country?" wondered Sakura who was trying to piece everything together.

Pretending to be a know-it-all, Kotaro says "DON'T YOU IDIOTS KNOW BASIC GEOGRAPHY?! Everyone knows, um..."

"Fódlan." finishes Byleth.

"YEAH, THIS PLACE! Everyone knows where it is and its history!" continues the loud-mouth.

Unimpressed, as usual, Ai asks him "Then which part of Fódlan are we right now?".


"Go ahead then Tatsumi, dazzle us with your knowledge." answers Ai, expecting the usual schtick.


Byleth, slightly annoyed at all the noise, asks them "Can't you all just take a boat or flying creature to get back?", causing them to make a sudden stop.

"Well... you see..." Sakura begins while a sweat bead rolls down her egg head, then a large man with a beard wearing an orange outfit arrives on his steed.

"Father, I have found these people in the forest about to be robbed blind by bandits." Byleth says, acknowledging him. The older man sighed as he patted his son on the back for a good job well done. Observing all of the visitors, he walks up to each of them, wondering where they came from.

"Oi, big guy, you're his pops? What do they call you?" Saki asks when he walks in front of her.

"Jeralt Eisner, professional mercenary, some call me the Blade Breaker. How about you little lady?" he asks.

Thinking she could probably get away with telling people her real name in a world like this, she responds with "Saki Nikaido, glad to have ya!" gripping her fist with a grin on her face.

The big guy smirks, then asks the rest of them who they are. After introducing themselves as politely as they can, Jeralt and Byleth converse with each other, while the Saga group huddle together to do the same.

"What do we do? What do we do?" doyansus Sakura, prompting Yugiri to share her thoughts.

"Perhaps it is best to stay here until we find our mode of transportation to escort us back to Saga?"

"B-but what if our secret is revealed? There's no telling how the people of this land will react to seeing the undead among them! There may be mythical beasts, yet I doubt they will accept zombies." explains Junko.

"True, but I agree with Yugiri, we need to stay here until we find a way home, maybe sticking with these mercenaries will help us some protection while we look." says Ai.

"I don't trust the blue-haired guy, his face irks me." grumbles Saki.

"We have to trust him, what choice do we have? His skills can help us travel around without getting killed, well... killed again I mean." Ai responds once again.

"I'm scared of what will happen if we're alone, maybe they can train us to use weapons!" Lily suggests loudly, prompting Jeralt to laugh.

"I haven't trained kids in a long time, and you are all lucky that there has been no jobs as of late to take up. Sure, but know that you have to find another place to stay after a while, got it? We can't keep watch on all of you forever, so train until you can manage to fight off ruffians with ease. We can't keep watch on all of you forever, so train with us until you can fight off ruffians with ease." Byleth nods in agreement.

"Thank you for your kindness, please direct us to where we will be staying tonight Mr. Eisner." requests Ai.

Hours later, they're staying at an inn near the mercenary company. After washing off their makeup (luckily Kotaro has enough to last almost half a year, until they have to get currency to buy more) the girls decide to turn in for the night. With Tatsumi already asleep, Sakura pets Romero as she looks out the window, wondering if it was her bad luck (along with Saki's incompetence) that caused all of this to happen, or if this was the result of someone's meddling.


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