Cindered Shadows (Part 3)

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< Third-Person POV >

"I have no time for this. To your grave!"

The Death Knight called out as he knocked Dimitri away and Byleth steps in to assist. The armored reaper clashes with the Ashen Demon as the others continue to rid themselves of the intruders.

Hapi, not a bit worried, says, "It would be too much trouble to take on that guy. Better focus on the weaker ones.", as she unleashes Swarm Z upon some poor entomophobic ruffian.

Sakura and Edelgard run towards the Faerghus Prince to check on him, "I don't care what brought you here. Withdraw. Now.", the white-haired princess told the Death Knight, who just ignores her.

"Are you okay?" The egghead idol asked Dimitri who nodded before picking up his lance again to rejoin the fray.

The bodies of many foes were left on the arena floor as they kept piling on. Spells were cast, arrows flew, blades clashed against each other, so much was happening at once. The silver-haired Ashe was trying so hard to keep up with the fast pace of the battle that he left himself open to a sneak attack.

Luckily Ai was at the right angle to fire away, "Heads up!", an arrow landed into the mercenary's back, eliminating him.

"Thanks!" Ashe calls out as he goes to help Hilda against two mercs.

"As you were saying?" The Heisei Idol asks Linhardt as he heals up Constance using Physic.

"Hm? Oh right. Well it's not a listed relic among the monastery's collection, but it is known as the Staff of Fodra. This may sound a bit familiar to you, but the staff is able to warp objects and people through the use of a vortex."

"You said this information came from the Abyssian library, correct? Why was this information hidden down here of all places?" Ai takes out her blade and cuts down a female mercenary.

"There's just so many books that the church decides to get rid of for whatever reason. It is fortunate that I was able to discover a page dedicated to it while browsing. You're welcome, by the way." He tells her nonchalantly as she lowers her eyebrows at him.

"Thanks I guess, yet we still need to find out the staff's whereabouts. As well as finding out how to use it to send us back home. A name and a description can only go so far, Lindhart."

"True... I guess that gives me another excuse to continue browsing that underground treasure trove of research." Lin gives a small smile before dropping it when he sees the blood on Ai's sword and slowly fades.

"Oh no, we're not doing this now." Ai picks him up before he hits the floor and slaps him awake.

Thankfully, the battle nears its end thanks to the efforts of the hard hitting Saki and Balthus, laying waste to anyone who attacked them. In addition, Constance and Hapi have been doing well in their uses of magic, especially the former with the added mobility. Byleth's Sword of the Creator was then swung wildly in the form of the Ruptured Heaven move, taking out many of the remaining opponents at once, and even dealing good damage to the Death Knight.

"Your skills with that sword continue to excite me, but I've indulged too much. I take my leave. For now." He teleports away as Byleth and Dimitri grit their teeth, seeing as they've failed to defeat him yet another time.

"Honestly! What a nuisance." Edelgard shakes her head as Sakura looks at her, wondering if she knows something. Well, until she sees a leftover approaching the Ashen Wolves's leader from behind , "Ack! Yuri, look out!"

"Hm?" He turns around after talking with one of the Abyssian rogues.

"I ain't going down without a fight! I'm taking you with me, punk!" The one mercenary rushes towards him, but is stopped by the sudden appearance of a long-haired monk in a black and red robe. "I will not allow it.", he says restraining him.

"Aelfric, you're here! Well, shall we capture this fool?" Yuri smirks as the others stand down after fighting.

MVP: Byleth
The Ashen Wolves run up to greet their guardian after the battle as the surface-dwelling students introduce themselves to Aelfric.

"So you look after this place?" Saki simply asked him.

"Indeed. And despite my responsibilities, I am but a humble monk. I am sure you have already been told about Abyss's unique situation. For varying reasons, all of the inhabitants here are unable to live a peaceful life on the surface. People like the Dagdans and Almyrans, who suffer undue persecution across Fódlan."

"Dagdans and Almyrans?" Sakura tilted her head after hearing that.

"I'll explain them to you afterwards." Dimitri whispered so he couldn't interrupt Aelfric as he kept talking.

"Right. And the poor and sick living in a sunless crypt helps them... how?" Claude jokes.

"Enough Claude. Please forgive my friend, Aelfric. We would love to hear more." Dimitri tells his fellow house leader.

"In all honesty, I understand his concern. I dearly wish I could provide a better life for my flock."

He then goes on to talk about how many of the members of the Church of Serios, including Lady Rhea have grown a distance for Abyss's existence. To the point where some wish to be rid of it altogether.

"That's the church for you. They make a big deal out of helping the helpless... when it suits them." Hapi stated bluntly, causing Sakura to fidget over her insecurity about the church and Edelgard to put a hand on her shoulder.

Aelfic turned to Byleth next,"As for you Professor, I must beg a favor of you."

"What's the favor?" The instructor asked.

"The Ashen Wolves are a house in name alone. They are eager students with no teacher to guide them..."

"So you're looking to have him be their instructor, am I correct?" Ai briefly interrupted him.

The Wolves questioned his decision, but their guardian assured them that he would assist them well. He even brought up that he knew Byleth's mother, surprising the young Professor. After Byleth agreed to help teach the fourth house, the whole group decided to return to the Monastery for now.

Before then however, the Professor asked Aelfric if they could meet up to discuss his mother. Unbeknownst to them, one of his students was waiting outside for him to finish up.

"He sounded very passionate when talking about your mother. Almost like he was infatuated with her, he did mention he wished to be like Jeralt." Ai informed him.

"What are you getting at?" was his response.

"I'm saying that despite his display of kindness towards us and his 'flock', that smile of his doesn't reach his eyes. And unlike Claude, or Yuri, I don't sense any joking personality in him."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind, though he trusts me to take the Ashen Wolves under my wing, and that's what I will do."

"(sighs) Just be sure that you know what you're getting yourself into. With so many students to focus on, that makes it harder to teach. Don't push yourself too hard, if you need assistance, you know where my dorm is." The two of them nod to each other as they make their way towards the surface with the others.

Though when they reach the monastery, they are greeted by both the sun, and by Seteth.

"There you all are! Where have you been?"

"Uh-um, you see..." Sakura was stammering.

"Never mind, we can address this later, I need your assistance, my sister Flayn has gone missing!"

"I am Ferdinand von Aegir" count x3 (no change)
Constance von Nuvelle laugh count x2

We'll continue the Cindered Shadows as the story goes on. Like after a few main story chapters, we'll come back to Abyss to hang with the Wolves and Aelfric. Hope you all continue reading as Three Houses Saga continues on!

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