Chapter 4

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Grayson's POV

I was sitting in class, waiting for the stupid bell to ring. It was taking its sweet, precious, and altogether irritating tine.

Just. Please. Ring.....

And then it finally did. I am so surprised that I didn't get up and start screaming hallelujah like a Gospel choir, but when you're stuck in this hell hole for four years, the end of the day doesn't satisfy the soul as much as you would think.

"Yo." I heard a voice say. It was Jaime.

"Oh, hey!" I smiled.

"Bro, I swear I literally cannot stand McLarens class. Chemistry pop quiz in the middle of a Tuesday? With literally zero warning? Not a vibe whatsoever." Jaime spouted off.

"Oof I can genuinely relate to that. McLaren likes to watch his victims suffer from failure."

"Or just suffer." Jamie shot back, and I laughed.

"So, what are you up to today?" She asked me.

"Um, nothing actually. What are your plans?" I asked back

"Well there's two things. One, I could go home and literally stick my head in the toilet and flush after homework overload hits my brain or two, me and you could go out for pizza. My treat. No strings attached." Jaime smiled.

"Damn, that's a slick move, Lannister. Imma take you up on it." I smiled as we walked out of the school building and onto the sidewalk.

Students passed us left and right in a hurry, and Jaime almost hit by an incoming bike. A bright pink bike, with this really pretty blonde girl on it with a matching pink helmet. And my brother Ethan on his red mountain bike behind her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Watch where you're going, kiddos." Jaime popped off.

"Oh my God, hiiiii!! You must be Grayson! Ethan's told me ALL about you!!" the blonde girl smiled.

"And you must the love child Mr. Rogers never owned up to having." was the immediate response back from Jaime. I snickered at this.

"Yo, Gray, this is Hayley. We met in class."

"And this is Jaime. We met in the library."

"Yeah, it was fun, especially counting all the condom wrappers in the history section." Jaime smirked.

"It's nice to meet you both. We are on on our way to get some food. Wanna join us?" Hayley offered.

"Oh yes I'd love to. Grayson and I will meet you at the pizza place over on Fourth Street." Jaime answered as she readjusted her bracelet that said "KISS WHOEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT" and had a pride flag on it.

"Deal. Come on Ethan, let's go find some coffee first. A sister needs her mocha." Hayley laughed as they biked off together but not without a wave from Ethan.

"What a sister needs is a brain transplant." Jaime said as I burst into laughter and we began to walk down the sidewalk away from school.

"So, basically, you're new to the school?" I asked.

"I've been around. It's just that we never met." Jaime smirked.

"How old are you?" I asked

"The voices in my head say different ages but I'm 18." She smirked back.

"I felt that shit." I smiled back,

"What about you? How many years till you can drink?" Jaime popped back.

"I'm 17, bro. It's really hard to believe honestly. It seems like yesterday I was 12." I replied.

"I can't remember anything ever since the deprogramming." Jaime answered as she answered her ringing phone, "Hi, Nana? Yes. I'll be home later. I'll be safe. Love you too. Bye, Nana."

"Sorry about that," she continued to me, "my Nana likes to check on me as soon as I leave school."

"That's totally fine." I answered. I could see Jaime look a bit annoyed.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I am. I'm just annoyed with my family. They worry constantly about me like I'm gonna get kidnapped or murdered if I'm not smothered by them. It's the side effects of bring Russian" She answered back tartly.

"My family's kind of like that." I replied.

"Have your family ever tried to marry you off to literally any boy that's Russian around you?" She asked me.

"Nope." I answered with a laugh.

"You're lucky." She giggled as she opened the pizza parlor door. I hadn't realized we had walked so far yet it seemed as if it were a short amount of time.

I saw Ethan and Hayley waving over to us. This was going to be fun, for sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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