Chapter 1

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Grayson's POV

I stood in the bathroom mirror looking at myself.

No cuts during shaving? Check

No pimples? Check

No annoying fact that Ethan was still snoring away after five attempts to wake him?

Still working on that one....

"Bro, wake up....I have wrestling practice today. Come on already." I said as I shook him.

"Dude.....go on already. I'm tryna sleep." Ethan mumbled.

"No, told Mom you would go today. Now wake up...don't make me say it twice."

One thing I hated was being late for any reason. Mom and Dad always said it was because I was just like my ancestors....busybodies who were always on the go 24/7.

Now if only Ethan would be like that for once...

"Morning, Mom." I said as I hugged her when I came into the kitchen.

"Morning, now sit and eat." She said and smiled as she always did during breakfast.

"Mom, Ethan's still asleep." Cameron, our older sister, said as she came in the room. She was perpetually tan, in college, and always on her phone....but we loved her anyways.

Me and Ethan are twins, and we are very fond of that. We get told by girls all the time we're good looking for a set of twins, and we usually laugh at these things.

Cameron was not fortunate enough to be a twin but yet always feels the need to one up us in everything even though she's older. This usually has hilarious results and many memories with them.

"I'll go get him." I said as I walked into our room. Yes, we share a room. Big deal. At least it has enough space for all of our shit....

I tried shaking him to get him up, and raising my voice never works....but then I decided on one thing that most people would never do.

I sat on his bed in my sweatpants and tank top and played with his hair....he was a perpetual bedhead no matter what. And I loved playing with it when he wasn't awake...because we all know he would have killed me if he noticed.

Or would he?

Ethan's POV

What up, guys, it's Ethan. Welcome to my part of the story.

I wasn't asleep this time....I just wanted to be left alone by all the fam. They were really driving me crazy, as everyone feels about their family sometimes. But Grayson alone was the one really working on it today, especially when he started shaking me like a damn dog.

But then he stopped doing that and sat on my bed. I was waiting for him to get up, and I dared not flinch.

But instead of a slap or something I expected from childhood, I noticed he was playing with and stroking my hair.

Most people would have screamed psychopath but not me. I knew Grayson did this for a reason. As to what, I didn't really know. But what I could say was that I liked it.

And then the bastard pulled it.

"Owww bro what the fuck!" I yelled.

Grayson started laughing his ass off and I almost got mad but then I laughed....eventually.

But I still felt his hands in my hair....and I couldn't shake it off.

I kinda liked it......

Hey what's up you guys? Yes, welcome back to Danielle's Comment Cards as I did in my Jylan fanfic

So I'm honestly hyped up for what's fixing to take place, and I love how Ethan is already experiencing something in his mind.

Your thoughts?

Grayson & Ethan (Grethan)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora