Chapter 3

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Ethan's  POV

A lot of things happen in high school. A first date, a first kiss, you get the part on the cheerleading squad or in the spring musical, or whatever else you do. But the majority of the time, you end up falling in love. And that's what I had done.

Unfortunately for me, it was no easy love. It was a very complicated mess. I felt like I had done something so wrong but yet it felt so right. I didn't know how to put it in words but what I could say was that I definitely was an open person, open to many things.

I just felt so complete with Grayson. I didn't have the words to explain it, nor would I really want to. I liked things best when there wasn't anything to analyse, and loving Grayson was something that didn't need to be analysed by the wrong people.

He made me whole. I knew our parents would never approve, possibly throw me out, and Grayson would actually kill me. He liked girls a lot and so did I. I mean it's not to say that I didn't like guys either. I just didn't like labels. I liked people for who they were, not for what they could give me.

I guess the best term to apply in the LGBT community is that I am pansexual, and given that the term can be applied into all the wrong meanings, I just choose not to come out directly and say that.

I had Spanish class next block, and what a god awful bore that would be. I just couldn't grasp all the verbs and punctuation and stuff. However, this particular day would be very unlike the others.

Across from my desk was this new girl. Mega cool. Pink sweater. Blonde hair. Ponytail. She had her nails done and her best pair of boots on. Your typical girly girl.

"Hey!" She said really cheerfully. "I'm Hayley! You must be Ethan?"

"Yeah. That's me." I laughed.

"I just moved here from San Diego. It was literally so perfect there, but like L.A is super cute too. Especially with all the malls and stuff. But I wouldn't wanna bore you with all that." She giggled. Wow, she was definitely cute.

"You would be surprised." I chuckled.

And then it just clicked like that. I told her about my family, she told me about hers. I told her the best pizza places, she told me where to buy the best shoes. It seemed like time was actually flying by in this class!

When the bell rang, Hayley stood up and said "You wanna do something later? I need something to do because my mom will bitch at me if I sit around the house all day again."

"Sure. Meet me in the bus loading area after last class." I smiled

"Deal." She laughed as we said our goodbyes.

I definitely wanted to get to know this girl more

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