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Welcome back, my lovely readers....thank you again for having me.

Dylan and Jackson were such a thrill to write about...and as I am in the closing stages of that book I want to say what a joy it was to write!! It helped me through some difficult stages in my life, and even though I took a long hiatus from it, I'm so thankful that I finally am able to complete it.

As I sit in my London flat, feeling very much like i'm in a dream land because of the amount of rain we have been having, I think of life with my beloved Weston. He's very much a part of me as I am of him. And I intend to convey the love we both have for each other into the lives of these two very famous boys.

Grayson and Ethan Dolan are iconic in their YouTube challenges, their sense of humor, and the way they truly and genuinely care about their family, friends, fans and, in the long run, each other. They're also major supporters of the LGBT community and have made collaborations with Jeffree Star and their dear close friend James Charles. Being the long time LGBT activist I am, I believe that a book MUST be made about these two amazing people, even if it is rather taboo than my ordinary taste would like to fancy.

So with love, I send you out to read this book, and embrace the love and mystery and possible truth of this story.

Only time will tell, my pets.

My love always,

🌈 Dani ❤️

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