The Gusu city?

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Once again I revived but I only remembered who I really was when I was ten but I wished I didn't, at least about the resentful energy.
So my childhood was ruined, but then I thought, if I was in a new world, will Lan Zhan be here too? So when I was 12 I ran away from home, I really wanted the support of Lan Zhan right now, I needed him.
While I was walking through the city I went against Jiang Cheng, who was with La Zhan's brother.
"Jiang Cheng?" I was amazed but he looked at me as if I was crazy "It's me, Wei Wuxian. Do you remember me?"
"Who are you? I don't know such names, I don't even want to know."
I was sad but decided to come back later, he was safe with ZeWu-Jun.
Something really crazy happened. I found A-Yuan alone and decided to bring him along, I didn't tell anything about our past and decided that it was best if he doesn't remember.
We walked around the world for years, we found Wen Ning that came with us and his sister that couldn't leave the country because the king needed her.
When I was sixteen I arrived in a city that looked just like Gusu and I was unsure if I wanted to come in or not but I decided that maybe I could find Lan Zhan.
"I remembered something sir Wei." A-Yuan said and that captured my attention. "Everyone calls me Sam Wilson but my name is Lan Sizhui."
"Is true." I said smiling, "You are my son."
He didn't say anything else, probably because he was thinking if that could be really possible, even I am not sure. Only when I find Lan Zhan I will know.
"Are you here to enter the school?" My shijie asked, she was more gorgeous than before.
 "We are passing by." I said and then I decided to ask "Is a boy around my age that lives here? He likes to wear white."
"Oh. You mean HanGuang-Jun?" she asked and I nodded.
"What's your name boy?"
I didn't know if I should say Wei Ying or the name I got there, Will Strong, so I got quiet.
"What's the matter sir Wei?"
"Wei?" She was amazed and we didn't say anything else. Something was smelling fishy there.
I grabbed A-Yuan arm and pulled him the other way. When we were in a more quiet place I asked him to use our names from there, not the other ones, it may cause trouble.
"So I should treat you as sir Strong?"
"I told you to not use the sir, is weird."
"Very well sir… I mean Will."
I smiled and hugged him, until I heard a dog and my heart almost jumped off my chest and I hid behind A-Yuan and he started to laugh.
"You are always the same sir… Will."
I heard but my mind was concentrated in the dog's barks.
"BUY A DOG! " Someone yelled from the other street and I got curious but always behind A-Yuan.
"Why would they sell dogs on the street? I never heard about it."
"I don't know but I don't like it."
"I know Will." He said and then stopped "Maybe you could wait…"
"No, I beg you… don't leave me alone."
A-Yuan sigh but it looked like he understood my fear because he grip my arm to ensure me.
"Buy a dog so that the demon Yiling patriarch, Wei Wuxian won't haunt you."
"It 's so stupid." Jiang Cheng said buying a dog "If he wants to kill someone he can contorn the dog."
"Jiang Cheng!" I called and he looked at us, his face was so hilarious that I forgot about the dogs and started to laugh my ass off.
"You know him?" A-Yuan asked.
"Oh!" Jiang Cheng said, after getting closer, with the dog "Should I report you?"
"What do you mean?" I asked scared "You wouldn't do that, right?"
He didn't answer and went the other way, with the dog.
"We have to go away before someone catches us."
"You are right. We should think of a plan."
"I have an idea." I said, smiling. "Should we go to that school that my shijie told about?"
"Isn't that dangerous?" He asked scared "I know that we aren't home but the person who said about you must be dangerous.

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