Lan Wei

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"If you are an omega, you can be my maid if you want."
"Do I look like a maid to you?" I asked more calmly, "You know me."
"Do you prefer to be with a house full of wolves?" Jiang Cheng said and the reality struck me "I figured it."
"You are just using the dogs in your defense again." I said, angry "Not fair."
"Are you coming or what?" He asked, leaving "Little wolf!"
I had enough, he wasn't getting away with that one "What do you mean? I am not a wolf, not ever I will be."
He started to run, laughing and I figured out what he was trying to do so I ran towards him, until we both fell in front of a room.
"Why are we in here?" I was curious, it was ZewuJun aposents. 
"It is… complicated. Come in."
"Oh." I said after putting the pieces together "You couldn't be with him in our world so you are with him here." I said and he got embarrassed "Is that true?!" I asked, amazed "No way! You got laid by Lan Zhan's brother? Well… he is your type."
"Wei Wuxian!" He said, threateningly,"One more word and I turn into it."
"Turn into what?" I asked but I regretted right after my words got out of my mouth.
Right in front of me was a huge black wolf with some purple fur on its face, it was Jiang Cheng.
"Please, Jiang Cheng…" I said crying, before I hid behind a bush "I won't speak anymore. Please turn back to normal, I beg you."
"Ok. I'm human again." He said, laughing "You reborn the second time and you're still afraid of dogs?"
"Shut up." I said before I heard some voices, so I decided to maintain hide.
Jiang Cheng didn't speak more and after a while I could recognize the voice, it was Lan Zhan's brother.
"Weren't you with the new students?"
"Yeah. It was an omega that encountered Hanguang-Jun." Jiang Cheng said "He is an alpha but always hated omegas." He said making sure to say omega louder so I could hear."
"Poor Lan WangJi, he doesn't remember the past."
"Maybe he doesn't want to."
"Yeah. And how many times until I can meet childe Wei?"
Jiang Cheng laughed and asked for me to get out of the hiding place, I didn't move, I was scared.
"Oh. Is he there?" ZewuJun asked and for sure he was smiling, he always is. "Don't worry child Wei, I will not tell anyone."
I sighed, ZewuJun was always a man of words, even when he killed Jin Guangyao.
"Sorry for hiding." I said, embarrassed "It brings a nostalgic feeling doesn't it?"
"Yes, but it was other times." He said and only after the baby cry that I was him. He had dog ears.
"Oh, a baby." I said, smiling "What is his name?"
"Lan Wei. But we treat him as Jason here. You know why."
"Wei" I thought and then I looked at Jiang Cheng, his face was pure red.
"Oh. Is he your kid? But why does he have… oh…"
This new world is weird, who would have thought that Jiang Cheng would marry into the Lan's family.
"Who is the mother?"
Both of them laughed and ZewuJun explained.
"In this world there are werewolves, they are into three categories: Alpha, omega and beta."
"That doesn't explain anything."
"You are really slow, no?" Jiang Cheng asked and then I remembered what the papers said and I started to laugh again, without believing it.
"No way."
"Yeah, it is our baby." ZewuJun said and I stopped laughing.
"Alphas can impregnate Male omegas."
I couldn't believe it, but if it was true, who was the omega in the family? And after I observed more closely I said.
"Jiang Cheng, who would have thought that you were like me?"
"Shut up." He said, confirming my suspects.
Then, Lan Zhan appeared and everything got quiet, he was with a girl next to him, he was smiling, he never smiles.

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