chapter one

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"But I want you to stay!" Caleb pulls at my arm playfully.

"I have to go to work, don't make this any harder!" I kiss Caleb' s forehead and grab my handbag.

"Oh but it's ok for you to make 'this' hard, then run off to work" I roll my eyes without even looking in his direction, I know what he's referring to.

"I'm leaving" I yell from the hallway as a naked and hard Caleb comes storming from the bedroom.

"I'll miss you, please try and get tomorrow off work, for me!" He flutters his eyelashes at me.

"I'll try but you know how busy Friday's are! Go back to bed, I'll call you at lunch" I kiss him quickly and open the door.

"Be careful" he calls after me.

"Yes Sir" I salute as I hit the fresh morning air.

My plan worked perfectly. I'd already taken the next 2 days off work and had our bags packed in the boot of my car. I've had this planned for months, I have us a cabin booked, I've carefully collected everything we need and Caleb was none the wiser, which lets be honest, is quite an achievement in its self!

Today is the anniversary of my kidnapping, the day Caleb took me after months of watching me, stalking me, the day my ordeal in the dark started. We never talk about our time in the dark, Caleb feels ashamed of the things he did to me during those weeks. I'm not ashamed, not even slightly, I strongly believe that my life would be nothing had he not taken me.

I know Caleb misses the way he used to be, even though he won't admit it, he missed the absolute control. There is no way the Caleb in the dark would have allowed me to work, to have my own car or friends. So this weekend, I plan to give him ultimate control back, I'm giving him the dark.

After a quick trip to the supermarket for supplies, I start the drive to the cabin. When I arrive, I let myself in and dump our bags in the kitchen, then I call Caleb to set my plan into motion.

"It's not lunchtime, why are you calling?" He answers

"And hello to you too!" I laugh, sounding slightly nervous "I need you to log onto my laptop" I tell him.

"Okkkk" he says slowly. I hear his typing in the password, I have left my 'story' as Caleb calls it open on the screen.

"Read the latest passage and call me back? Ok?"

"Kitten what are you up to?"

"Just do as your told for once, please?" I beg

"Fine, I'll call you" he hits end

What he finds is :

I miss the dark, I miss that Caleb.
We never talk about what happened.
I know my dark Prince is hiding his true feelings about those weeks and how much he needs to feel that control again. And I want to give it to his, he's changed so much for me, he deserves this.
I don't hate my memories of our time in Mexico, I treasure them.
And so when he arrives, I'll be the fragile girl he picked up off the street, only this time It'll be just the two of us.

There is also a web link open to the cabins website so he knows where to head.

I jump with excitement when my phone buzzes and I hear the roar of his motorbike engine in the background when I answer.

"I'll be there in 45 minutes" is all he says, he ends the call and my stomach flips with excitement.

I spend the next 30 minutes getting everything set, I load the fridge with the basics, and some champagne as a bonus. I close the wooden shutters in our bedroom, draw the blind in the onsuit bathroom, put a comforter on the bed, even add a gold metal chain to the bed frame, just like Mexico. There is a small food trolley in the kitchen and of course a bag of tricks for Caleb to use, should he wish, rope, tape, canes, whips and extra items like a pin wheel and a wooden paddle, even a plastic gun for effect or to lighten the mood. I've packed my favourite of Calebs shirts and some sets of clothes for him, and for myself, I packed nothing but fresh underwear for our journey home.

I take a deep breathe, oh my God, this is really happening!

I undress myself and check the time, he should be here any minute. I pull the tie out of my hair, I let it fall loose and ruffel my fingers through it. My stomach is doing somersault!

I close the door of our bedroom and curl up at the end of the bed wearing nothing but a heavy black blindfold and I wait. My heart beats out of my chest when I hear his bike pull up then a few seconds later hear the front door open. Then to my surprise, my phone rings from the nightstand.

"I don't remember you having a cell phone in Mexico pet" his voice is so rugged, I can hear him through the wooden door I don't even need the phone.

"I don't need it now your here" I tell him.

"Listen pet, once I step over the threshold of that bedroom, I'll be 'him' this is your one chance to back down, speak now or I'm taking full advantage?" He purrs

"Caleb, I want this!" I Whisper

"Don't call me that once I'm in there, or I won't be responsible for my actions"

"I know"

"Remember kitten, your not a damsel in distress and I'm not the handsome Prince come to save you" he pauses and I hear the front door lock and the call ends.

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