chapter 6

172 2 15

Game on...


I opt against trying to get up and crawl out towards the kitchen. If Caleb laughed at me if I stumbled, I'd almost certainly cry.

The plush carpet of the bedroom changes to the wooden walkway by the front door to the impossibily hard marble as I step up to the slightly raised kitchen floor. Its at this point that I realise I have carpet burns on both my knees. I use the counter top to assist me to stand, my knees creek as I straighten out my legs. My body is aching but I seem in pretty good shape consider Caleb just tortured me for a few hours...

I can feel his cum start to run down my inner thigh. I close my eyes and savour the sensation.

There are 2 different brands of beer in the fridge so I decide to offer Caleb both. He's changed into casual grey lounge trousers and is shirtless, he has his back to me when I return to the bedroom, my heart gives a little pang and my stomach drops as it always does when I see the scaring on his back. I have to resist the urge to run my finger along the particularly long lash down his back that stops just before his ass. God I love him.

I don't make myself known and instead return to the same spot Caleb fucked me in a few minutes earlier. He won't give me praise for this act. This level of obedience is expected. There will be no reward for being a good girl, there will simply be no punishment for not misbehaving and I find myself feeling like I've gained a win. I place both of the beers on the nightstand and wait, head bowed, eyes down, hands on my lap. As expected.

Caleb takes a beer into either hand, chooses the one he desires and hands the other to me

"You must be thirsty?" He's correct of course but it's not a question, he's stating facts he already knows to be true. He doesn't even look at me while he hands me the bottle "down in one" he tells me as he walks to his display of toys. He returns with a chain in his hand.

I drink the beer as quickly as I can, the bubbles making my nose fizz. Caleb puts his index finger on the bottom of the bottle and tips it skywards. The cold amber liquid runs down my chin and onto my chest, still he keeps the bottle high. I drink all that I can and it earns me a "good girl"

"Eyes kitten" I know this command, it means look at me. I hide I smirk because I know the kitten was an error on his behalf... Old habits...

"Do you know what this is?"

I study the length of chain he's holding, its not too thin, it has a loop on at one end about the size of a quarter, enough to thread the chain itself through it. I know exactly what it is, it's a choke chain.

"Yes Master"

He seems a little taken back, this is not something we have ever discussed, let alone played with before.

"How" he asks bluntly

I cannot bring myself to tell Caleb how I know what the item is, because I saw it on an episode of The Simpsons. A dog trainer used it to correct the naughty behaviour of Santa's Little Helper. The dogs eyes would bulge from its head when used. I know for a fact that Caleb has never seen an episode of The Simpsons, and if I tell him, it will only highlight the gap in both our age and culture, so I lie.

"I read about them on line"

"Interesting little read for such an unlucky little pup?" He tilts my head back and snakes the chain around my neck and then shows me its purpose immediately. He pulls me up onto my knees with a violent tug. He wraps the chain around his fist 3 times, so tightly that his knuckles turn white. As a result my airway is cut off completely and I am frozen in absolute terror.

A strange gasp manages to escape me lips and my hands move up to my neck in an attempt to loosen his grip

The bastard smiles at me "hands down thirteen" and he raises his fist a little making the chain tighter. I immediately drop my hands. The chain is impossibily tight, I can't breathe, can't see, can't even think. Its too much. Too much.

I try to beg, try to let the word 'please' pass through my lips, but I cant. I can't form the word, can't even gasp.

Just as the fear touches my eyes and vision starts to turn to black, Caleb drops his fist just enough for me to gasp a much needed lung full of air. I pull in as many breaths as I can, my eyes streaming but some how dry. I'm overcome with emotion as I'm kneeling at the man I loves feet.

"Did I frighten you?"

My throat is too dry to answer, or perhaps I'm just not ready to speak to him yet, I can't bring myself to look at him so I kneel, trying to calm myself.

My silence clearly angers him because 3 seconds later I find myself in the same position, gasping, choking, terrified.

"I. Asked. You. A. Fucking. Question"

I squeeze my eyes closed. The words from The Simpsons running through my head 'Correct the behaviour by pulling the chain'

I choke out "Yes Master" trying desperately hard to keep my hands at my side. I'm up on the balls of my knees trying to grow every bit that I can, climbing for air.

"Are you going to break our rules again?"

I shake my head and at this point he knows I can't answer. He loosens the chain and leads me out of the bedroom, towards the living area, giving my chain a sharp tug when I don't move fast enough. I hate this chain, I want it gone.

He grabs himself a couple more beers and drops himself down on the sofa, his right leg casually resting on the coffee table in front of him and reaches for the TV remote, I glance up at the screen, he's flicks past commercials, sport, music and stops on an old western movie. Caleb loves old movies.

"Down" he yanks the chain. I sit on the rug in between his legs, he twists the chain around his fist to pull me a little closer "Be a good girl and stay quiet while I watch?"

I immediately nod my head and curl myself around his left leg, resting my head against him knee. The fucking chain has changed my attitude, its making me feel more submissive than normal. I am craving praise, craving kindness. Perhaps Caleb senses my need because he starts to stroke my hair. I find myself absent mindedly picking Calebs dry cum off my thigh as he plays with my hair. I let me eyes close and wrap my arm a little tighter around his calf in approval.

I know I'm his, he owns my ass, and has done for 6 years. But in this moment I'm reminded of the first night he took me, when one of his men had beaten me in the van. I was so terrified of Caleb but I seeked out comfort from him when the man who gave me a black eye, what was him name? Jair? Entered my bedroom.
I remember Jair grabbing my ankle and trying to grope me but Caleb, my white knight, stopped him. I shudder at the memory and pull Caleb a little tighter. He senses my unrest

"That's enough kitten, your disturbing me"
I freeze. Please don't pull the chain... my mind is begging. I losen my grip a little and Caleb keeps stroking. Safe. At his feet, no one will ever hurt me again, except if course the man sat above me.

I have an overwhelming urge to tell him that I love him. Or perhaps I just want to hear him say it back. Instead I remain silent, docile, with my head on his knee waiting for his next move.

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