chapter 2

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I hear him enter the room and my heart skips a beat, it's happening, he's here and I have to bite my lip to stop a moan escaping.

I listen carefully as Caleb checks out the room, unzipping his leather jacket as he goes, I hear the heavy leather fall to the ground. He checks out the bathroom and then slams the door, making me jump and gasp simultaneously.

"So you are awake?" He growls sounding so impatient.

I pull my core in as tight as I can, trying to hide. He takes a few steps closer to the bed.

"Such a pretty thing" he strokes my cheek then takes hold of my arm, forcing me to sit up as he pulls me towards the edge of the bed. To my surprise, he removes the blindfold
"Do you know where I went wrong with you kitten? I was too soft on you from day one, your pretty, I'll give you that, and you distracted me from the job in hand, that won't happen this time, I assure you. Up, on your feet" he clicks his fingers

Too soft? Is he serious?

He leaves the room briefly to retrieve his backpack, which he then empties on the floor in front of me, the items that fall out are all new to me, my mind runs wild with possibility.
While I'm distracted, Caleb swiftly kicks me in the back of my knees, forcing me to the ground, I cry out as my knees hit the floor. He then collects the bag I brought and laughs as he looks inside.

"You thought it would be exactly like last time? You'll be begging for it to be that easy once the next 24 hours are over, I do like a few of these items though" he throws the wooden paddle and a piece of heavy rope onto the pile of items before me.

"You won't be blind this time, I want to see your eyes. You will follow me everywhere I go in this house, this is not Mexico, I don't have to fear you bumping into any other house guests. You will keep your head bowed and walk a step behind me when you follow unless told otherwise. Now, what do you call me?"

"Master" I don't make eye contact

He makes a loud buzzer noise, making me jump "Wrong!" He quickly drops to my level and grips my throat, his other hand on the back of my head "You do not speak unless I give you permission, nod your head if you understand"

I nod my head quickly twice

"Kitten... Kitten..." He ponders my given name "it's too 'cute', too friendly, it stops, right now. But what to call you?" He keeps his hand on my throat as he eyes me like a piece of meat, twisting my head from side to side, examining me.
"Whore? But you really have to earn that title... cunt?" I visibly cringe at that disgusting word "perhaps a little too far..."

"Did I ever tell you there were twelve other girls before you? Twelve women in your position who all went on to be slaves at my hand"

I knew there were others, but I didn't know the head count until now. Caleb has spent alot of time over the past few years trying to help those girls.

"That's makes you thirteen, how terribly unlucky!" He mocks "that's what I'll call you, thirteen..."

I screw my face up in disapproval and in return he given me the wicked grim I adore.

"You don't approve?" He asks

I shake my head

"I can read you like a book thirteen, that going to be your downfall this weekend, incidentally... when do I have this cabin until, Saturday?"

I shake my head

"You may speak" he raises his eyebrow

"Until Sunday Master, 3 nights"

"So much can happen between now and then... I'm going to give you one last chance to bail, because I'm warning you now, once you agree for me to continue, I won't stop. I don't care how much you cry and beg, which you will, I'm going to push you until you break. Do you understand what I'm saying? I'm was not a nice man to those girls, I'm not going to be a nice guy now, if you give me free rain, there will be no stopping me. You saw what happened to kid, remember that? Remember what they put him through?"

How could I forget?

"I trained my twelve for that, that was your future" he put his hand against my cheek and I automatically angle towards his touch "you are too perfect to give away, but are you prepared for what might have been? Give me your permission?"

His last four words are full of pleading hope, he wants this, I want this. I nod my head.

"Tell me Livvie" he whispers

"I want this Caleb. Play with me" I beg

Me smiles, kisses my forehead then slaps me gently across the cheek "I'll do more than play. That's the last time you use my name, understood?"

I nod

He collects an 'O' gag from the pile of items on the floor, a fixed metal ring designed to keep the mouth open, it features a leather buckle that fastenes on the back of the head. Caleb knows I suffer from an injured jaw, an old injury from school that causes me agony and usually prevents me from wearing gags for an extended period of time, I give him a knowing panicked look.

"In Mexico, I had no idea about your jaw, an I wouldn't have cared, the same goes for now, lift up your hair"

I swipe my hair from my neck, giving Caleb free access.


I open my mouth as wide as I can, he fixes the 'O' in my mouth, sitting it behind my teeth, making it impossible to close my mouth. He makes light work of fastening the buckle so I drop my hair.

"Perfect" he inserts 2 fingers into my mouth, rubbing my tongue. I want to purr at his touch, it's heaven, pure ecstasy. But all too quickly, it's over. He stands and heads for the door.

"I'll be back in ten minutes, clear the floor, organise them" he points to the pile of items from his backpack "be ready for me when I return thirteen"

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