Hide and go seek with guns!

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This dream was when I was ten!

I was walking through our house. My big brother came in and said we were gonna play a game.

"We're gonna play hide-n-seek! WIth guns!"  and I was fine with that it seemed like a great idea!

(In my dreams!)

I ended up getting really freaked out when everyone started dieing!

I hid under the sink! (Best place in the world to hide you know?)

Then my mom looked where I was hiding. pointed the shotgun at me and Blam! I woke up

a few months later I had a dream wear mom said we were gonna play hide n go seek with guns and I begged with her telling her I had a dream with that game and it was not good!!

of corse she didn't lissen and we ended up playing again and I got shot and woke up again!

but thats the end of those dreams!!!

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