Animal Rescuing

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Ok haven't had any weird dreams for awhile.... UNTIL two days ago! I was busy so I couldn't post it then.... here we go....

My family, some friends and I were at my house but not at my house. (Hopefully you understand what that means.... cause I'm not sure how else to say it)

We were going into diffrent moble homes and saving trapped kittens and puppys.

For some reason I had to keep using the bathroom. (I have no idea why....)  but after awhile of saving animals I went into a RV to use the bathroom but before I could my brother and his friend Austin came in and just looked at me.

So I looked at them and said "What?" Austin looked away and kind of looked unconfertable. so I looked at Ethan. And Ethan says "Austin wants to know if its alright if he dates Zack." I looked at him. "I don't care." (And really I couldn't care less. because I really had to use the bathroom right then.)

anyway I woke up after that and then I noticed that for Austin to date Zack it would mean he'd be gay. (I'm not saying I don't like gay people.... one of my cousins are gay) but Austin is the farthest thing from gay... so it really weirded me out... and made me laugh...  =)

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