The end of the world.

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So from what I got this was obviously a post apocalyptic dream. You know broken down city. People running around killing other people for food and other things.

Anyway I have this group of people with me in a building. It's a good sized group, around twenty adults and eight kids.

We're doing pretty good at defending our home it has three stories to it (and now that I'm thinking about it. It's totally my aunts house)

One day one of the guys says that he's leaving and he's taking others with him. (Leaving five adults and four kids)

I refuse to go (somehow knew it was a bad idea.) and once they leave two guys show up outside shooting and trying to get a little girl that's around fourteen.

So I try to pull her into the house while one of the guys are pulling on her arm and another shoots at me with a shotgun.

I grab a shotgun off of the stairs and hit him with it (cause it doesn't have any bullets.) after failing on trying to get the girl that way I grab a knife from my back pocket and start trying to cut the guys arm that is holding onto the girl.

He lets go of the girl and I pull her inside as the guys leave. I hear the girl mumble something about not wanting to go undercover anymore. (My first thought. Dude this girl is gonna let people with guns in while we sleep or something)

We walk upstairs to the living room Where I tell the kids it's time for bed. And explain to the adults that I don't want to get anyone killed.

And then I freakin wake up..... I really wanted to see how this one ended.... so pissed off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2018 ⏰

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