Part 5: Guess who's back

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It felt good to be on the road again. It seemed like they'd spent months in Striaton City with nothing being accomplished. Gligar was gliding above them on the breeze, and Deino was walking close to Robin taking in the area. "So, what's your plan?" Robin broke the sounds of nature with the question. "What do you mean?" "Well I'm doing the gym challenge  what are you doing? Is it just for travel?" Mike shook his head "Nope, gym challenge same as you! I challenged the gym while you were training, but I'm not interested in going for champion. I tried back in Sinnoh, but to be honest I'm not ready to go through that again." He shuddered a moment. "Okay what's the deal with-" Robin was cut off by a humming nearby. A yanma was flying around above them. He grinned and slowly pulled out a pokeball, but unfortunately this particular yanma was afraid of commitment and immediately zoomed through the trees. 

"Deino! Lets go catch that yanma!" The two of them bolted off into the woods after the bug type, leaving Mike and Gligar behind. "Well that's one way to change the subject... After them!" They jogged after them through the brush. By some miracle, Robin had managed to somewhat keep up with the bug type for some time, even with a few twists and turns, but by now he was getting winded and it seemed to have unlimited energy. The Yanma turned to face them, did a taunting flip, and zoomed off through the branches. "No! Get *huff* back here!" He said. "Dude, what did you think would happen? It's a yanma, they're fast, they don't let you catch them easily." Mike said, suddenly at his side. "It was the heat of the moment! Besides I want to expand my team." He countered. His face fell a little but he shook it off and took a look around. "Where exactly did I get us to" Robin said taking a look around. 

Mike put his hands to his head, "Arceus I did it again, you'd think I'd remember to try and remember my steps when I leave the trail after all the times I've gotten myself lost but nope!" Mike gestured for Gligar to come to him. "Gligar can you get a birds eye view for us?" Gligar nodded and  began trying to gain some upwards distance. It circled a few times, but unfortunately the wind just wasn't there. It landed with a thump and gestured grumpily from mike to a nearby tree. Mike nodded patiently and lifted Gligar like a big  grumpy purple baby. It  began climbing up the tree oddly skillfully. After a moment it glided down. and shook its head. "If we're that lost, couldn't we just have kirlia teleport us away?" Robin asked. Mike huffed "Sometimes I wish, but a certain psychic type can be very uncooperative when it comes to that move. It will teleport itself whenever it wants, but only teleports multiple people if its a complete emergency." "Okay... If that's the case then I suppose we should try and get our bearings.  Robin looked up at the sky. Clouds obstructed the sun. "I think the sun was there so that means..... But what If I'm remembering wrong.." Robin muttered to himself. As he was muttering, Deino began smelling and bumping around the area. It knew most of the kinds of smells you'd expect in a forest, even most pokemon smells. Tree, grass, flowers, rock, hidden sewaddle that really didn't want to be noticed, ferns, moss, big log, and something odd, and not foresty. It was coming from inside the log? It ran up to the log, where it heard something inside. It crept up slowly. Friend? Foe? Food? Whatever it was it started breathing a little quicker. "What is it buddy?" Robin said crouching down to Deino in the log. "Find a poke-" It wasn't a pokemon.

 A rather young dark-haired boy was hiding in the log. Despite two random guys and a dragon type known for biting whatever it finds surrounding him, his expression was blank. "Uhh hi." The kid said nothing. "Are you lost?" The boy shook his head.  "Sorry for Deino finding your spot, my names Robin and this is Mike and Gligar, we're a little lost right now. Do you uh know the way back to the route?" The boy nodded. Robin moved from the log and Deino and the boy came out. He gestured for them to follow and started walking off. The small path they walked weaved its way through the flora, and it didn't take long for them to see the beginning of a clearing and hear kids shouting. "So what's your name?" The kid paused. "Lucas" "Ha I have a friend in sinnoh named Lucas, he traveled with me and we had a great time. I have to ask though, why were you alone in the woods?" Mike asked. The boy said nothing. "Well I'm sure everyone will be glad-" "MOVE TRASH!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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