Part 3: Deino Dreamyard Dillema

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Robin thought about all the horror movies he watched. Did he really want to be the first victim of some thing? He decided to wait for Oshawott and Mike just in case. It shrieked again. It sounded hoarse, pained, angry, but also slightly, afraid? Furret headbutted him in the gut before huffing at him and pointing down towards the thing. Robin looked down at it and sighed. "Fine, but if i get bit by something I'm gonna be really mad." He started down the hill trying to get a good look at what was in front of him. It looked like a car, but quickly changed to look like the ground rushing to him as he tripped on a root and smacked into the dirt. "FMMM" he groaned, his face in a mix of dirt and grass. From the car he heard a different sound, something similar to a small giggle. He looked up and wiped the dirt of his face and examined the crash before him. A truck sat against a large oak. It had seemingly swerved off the road and  crashed, and now sat covered in leaves.

 He checked the front for any sign of the driver, nothing. On the bed of the truck two cages sat still tied down. Inside two were two small dragon Pokemon, one was blue and looked hardly conscious, the other was green and snarled at him standing in front of the other protectively. He'd never seen a Deino before, let alone a shiny. He looked at them and realized how hungry they looked. He dug in his bag for something, he was sure he'd put something in there in case of snacks. AHA, two apples stared back at him. He took one out and slowly held it towards the green Deino. It snapped towards his hand. "Hey, its alright. I just want to give you some food and help you out." He said calmly. It sniffed the fruit still growling, and took a small bite. It chewed slowly, but quickly snapped the fruit and gobbled it up violently. He slowly looked over to the other one and carefully held the apple down to it. In a flash the shiny Deino was in front of the other defensively. He held his hands up before rolling the apple to the normal Deino which took a weak bite. He examined the cage. It was a normal cage with a door, opening mechanism, and lock, except it wasn't and had no door, lock, and no apparent way to properly open it. It appeared the bars hand almost been weaved together to form the cage. "...What?" Robin said staring at the intertwined metal. "Hey! You find something?" Mike called from up hill. He jogged down with oshawott in tow, and managed to not fall on his face. The green Deino began growling again at this new presence. "Woah, WOAH!" Mike looked at the caged dragons with excitement. "A shiny deino? That's so cool! You have any idea how rare shinies are? Deinos are already super rare so this is like a jackpot! In my entire journey I've only seen one shiny and you just stumble upon one in a for- they're in cages." Robin nodded patiently "yes they are, and I doubt Oshawott can bend or break metal bars." Oshawott looked at him offended and defiantly slammed into the cage. All that came from it is startling the Deino and gaining a lump on its head. "Anyway, do you have any Pokemon that could... you know, do something about it?" Robin said staring at Oshawott clutching its head. Mike simply smiled and drew a ball. "Kirlia, come on out!" A small humanoid Pokemon that looked like it was wearing a skirt appeared. It spun and then stood focused, waiting for mike's command. "Alright use psychic on the bars so they can get out!" Its eyes flashed blue and the bars began to bend apart. 

The shiny Deino started to bolt from the cage. It stopped and turned back to its cage-mate. It stayed in the cage looking worse for wear. It ran back and began nudging its friend. "It doesn't look good, we should get it to nurse Joy" Mike said looking at them. Robin tilted his head and started thinking. "How can we get an incredibly disgruntled biter somewhere without getting bit..." He thought about all the life advice he'd received from people over the years. "The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant... Can't have a good day with a bad attitude.... It's always best to believe in one's self, but a little help from others never hurts...." He snapped his fingers. He began digging in his bag again. Beneath an extra jacket was a small silver bell on a  red ribbon. He gave it a shake. It let out a soft calming chime. Deino immediately calmed some what. It sighed and turned from defensive to concerned as it nudged its friend. Robin leaned down to them. "Please deino, I just want to help you both. Help you heal, get you food, and maybe become friends." He smiled slightly at them. Slowly, he reached into the cage and  placed his hands under its belly. Gently, he lifted it from the cage with the other close behind, watching. 

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