Part 1: Its a beautiful day outside...

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It was a beautiful morning in Nuvema town, bird Pokemon were singing, and flowers were blooming. On this morning a boy named Robin was sitting on his bed with his mind filled with nothing but the thoughts of Pokemon and journeys.  At least he would, if he hadn't overslept because he spent the entire night playing Super Mario Odyssey on his Nintendo switch! A tapping sound came from his window. "Five more minuteszzzz..." he groaned as he rolled over and began snoring again. There was a pause, then his windows thumped against his walls luckily unbroken. He sat up with jolt holding his fists up looking very startled and intimidating in his plaid pajama pants. 

                A green snakelike Pokemon with an almost smug look stood in the window with vines protruding from its shoulder region. "Snive" it said before jumping out. Robin sat in bed with an expression of tired confusion. He groggily walked over to the windowsill and looked down. A taller boy with short brown hair wearing a grey jacket was waving up at him. "Morning Robin!" he called. "What do you want Nico?" Nico looked at him with a somewhat confused look and said, "I was coming to see if you were ready to head out, but the professor said you hadn't come by yet." Robin gave him a look, "But that's not till 8:30 right?" Nico laughed to himself, "Yeah it was, but It's currently 9:30." Robin whirled around to his alarm clock which he saw was flashing, the power must have gone out for some reason.  "SHOOT!" He shouted. "I'll catch up with you in a bit!" Robin said as he got his belongings and clothes he had sat aside in preparation for today. 

He got dressed and ready. "I can't believe the one time I want my alarm to wake me up the power goes out! With my luck the professor will give all the Pokemon away and I'll be left with none!" He  put on his dark blue jacket and fixed his sneakers. He looked at himself in the mirror and swished his red hair out of his green eyes. He grinned at his reflection, gotta look good even when you're late. He darted out of his room and practically fell down the stairs. He got to the door but was stopped by his mother. "Woah there early bird, are you going to leave without telling your own mother goodbye?" She said this with a tone of mock sorrow before smiling. She hugged him and said "I'm so proud you starting your own journey." Robin fidgeted "Mom.. I'm already late.." She smiled again before dropping his sports cap onto his head. "Don't forget to call!" She called after him as he jogged to the lab. 

The lab was quiet as the two remaining Pokemon were sitting on pins and needles wondering who would take them on their adventure. Suddenly the doors  burst open and a huffing Robin doubled over in the frame. "PROFESSOR *HUFF* JUNIPER *HEF* I'M HERE *hloof*" Robin straightened himself up. "Welcome to the lab Robin, are you ready to choose your first Pokemon?" Juniper asked walking over from the two trainerless Starters. "You mean I'm not too late? You didn't give all the Pokemon away?" Professor Juniper laughed "Of course not. when we know a soon-to-be-trainer is coming we try and make sure that they won't leave without a Pokemon. Speaking of which come meet the starters." Robin walked up to them grinning like a child in a candy shop. "I guess I missed the chance to see all three, heh." He said rubbing the back of his head. "Actually I believe that Nico was on his way to show you the one he chose." Robin thought about the green Pokemon that popped open his window. "These are Tepig, and Oshawott" she said gesturing to the Pokemon. 

He looked at the remaining starters, the Fire type Tepig and the water type Oshawott. Tepig was sitting with a somewhat nervous look and Oshawott was standing with a very similar dumb grin to Robin's. "I think I already know!" He extended his hand to the otter Pokemon who was bouncing in place. "You want to be my partner Oshawott?" "OSHA!" Oshawott shouted as it tackled Robin, both happy to finally have a partner. Robin was hardly able to accept Oshawott's Pokeball.  He sat up and looked down at the non-electrode ball of energy that was now wearing his hat. "I don't want to interrupt," Professor Juniper interrupted with a chuckle, "but I would like you to take this." She handed him a small rd device. "This is a Pokedex it scans Pokemon and tells you information about them, no matter what you want to do during your journey I ask that you fill the Dex with Pokemon you come across." Robin took the Dex and nodded "I'll do my best, and meet a lot of Pokemon hopefully." "Another thing i wanted to ask is if you know how to battle and catch Pokemon" she asked. He looked up at the ceiling, "Yea, I'm pretty good at remembering my type advantages, and to catch a Pokemon you either befriend it or just battle it and.." he gently bonked Oshawott with its Pokeball and shrugged. "Well aren't you knowledgeable" Juniper said. "Yea I've had a lot of time to study up on this. My journey got delayed for awhile" Robin said with a slight frown. Professor Juniper gave him a curious look. Robins expression lightened up a bit "Well i broke my ankle!" Robin said getting a gasp from her. "Yeah my aunt let my ride her Flygon and well.. I was kinda a klutz. Then we found out we had to move" his expression became somewhat somber. It was silent for a moment. "But I like Unova a lot, and I'm glad I met Nico!" Robin decided he should probably get going and began for the door but stopped. "One more thing, do you know who the last Pokemon is for?" Professor Juniper tilted her head. "I haven't officially met him, but he called and sounded very hopeful to meet one of these Pokemon saying he wanted to make new friends and travel across the nation. I think he was in some sort of activist group, maybe a Pokemon ranger." Robin sighed "I was hoping I could meet and have a battle with him at some point." Juniper smiled slowly. "WE could battle you know, give Tepig and Oshawott some practice." 

Outside the Lab there was a small arena marked with chalk. Robin stood on one end with Oshawott standing eager for a battle. Professor Juniper stood on the other side with Tepig standing on the field. "My first battle how exciting," Robin said, "Don't hold back I want a proper battle!" "Alright then, Tepig use ember!" Professor Juniper called. The pig Pokemon peppered Oshawott with small fireballs. "Counter with water gun!" Oshawott quickly shot a burst of water into the oncoming fires extinguishing them and barely catching Tepig before it could dodge. A super effective hit is a super effective hit even win it isn't a direct hit. and Tepig was feeling the pain. "Now use tackle" both opponents called out at once. Oshawott was just faster but Tepig managed to dodge and ram into the otter at full force. Oshawott tumbled across the field before getting up and shaking off the damage. "Alright then use tackle again!" Robin shouted. "Dodge" Juniper called. Robin grinned "Intercept the dodge with water gun!" Tepig jumped out of the way of tackle only to get a blast of water directly to the face. The pig Pokemon flopped on the ground soaked and fainted. Robin grinned triumphantly, his first battle and he'd managed to win! Oshawott ran back to him and started  jumping with glee.  "Great job Oshawott!" he said high-fiving his partner. "You did great Tepig" Professor Juniper said returning the Pokemon. "That was a good first battle, I hope I'll be able to watch you challenge the gym leaders. I'll be cheering for you from the lab." Robin was so excited. His journey was finally beginning! He couldn't wait to meet more Pokemon, and see how strong Oshawott got as it evolved! The gym leaders wouldn't stand a chance.

[MESSAGE FROM WRITER] And that's it for the first Part, I'm very new at this so i hope you enjoyed it so far :). That being said it's been a hassle uploading this due to my own buffoonery. If you have something to say or something you want to speculate or talk about feel free to let me know! I hope I can make this the best I can. Thanks for reading!

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