Part 2: Walking the Furret's walk in Accumula.

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Leaves rustled in the breeze as the soon to set sun painted the sky. Robin walked with a tired but still eager Oshawott at his side. After the battle with Professor Juniper they'd gone back in town to get the breakfast and other things Robin forgot and find Nico, but he apparently decided to go on without them.  They'd spent a good bit of the day around route one. The Pokemon and youngsters they me weren't particularly strong, but Oshawott had to swim the moment they got near water. When they got to Accumula they were both tired and checked into the local Pokemon center, got food and a room. They decided they would keep travelling the next day after some rest.

 In the morning, Robin decided to look around the town before going to Striaton. He ended up at a small restaurant with a patio area and decided they should probably eat before the went back to messing around on the nearest route. It was nice, relaxing, and he almost didn't notice the Gligar crashing into his face at mach speed knocking him out of his chair. "GLIGAR NO!" Someone yelled out. 

Robin's vision swirled, he could barely make out the silhouette of someone standing over him. "hrnnnwhat happen?" Robin groaned. "Uh yeah so Gligar here" the guy said as he pointed at a sheepish looking Pokemon standing behind him, "got a little carried away when it was gliding and kinda crashed." He laughed nervously "Sorry about that..". Robin noticed Oshawott holding his arm concerned. "Yea its good I'm fine," He said as he sat up looking at the partner of the rogue gligar. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses, a grey and orange hoodie, and jeans. He was slightly taller than Robin, had messy black hair that turned almost lavender at the tips, brown eyes, and dark tan skin.  "I'm Mike, my friends call me Mikey" he said extending his hand. "Robin" he responded taking his hand and standing. "So, are you on a  journey to the elite four too?" Robin asked, getting back to his food. "Nah I did my challenge awhile ago in Sinnoh, where I'm from." A grin crept upon Robin's face "So are you like a champion or something if you completed it?!" Mike's face fell a little ".. well I got through the elite four okay, but then the champion.." he shuddered violently "she was a monster.." Robin was silent for a moment letting Mike get over his CTSD.  Mike jumped as he phased back into reality "Oh! Apparently there's going to be some big gathering in the town square. Some guy is giving a speech today about some future plan or something. You should come listen with me!" Robin was skeptical, he wanted to go to route 2 and try and catch another pokemon, and he didn't know Mike so well. Why not, he thought. He nodded, and the two talked as they made their way to the square.

A bunch of people were gathered around. On either side of the square Large blue flags with an electric P flapped in the wind. In the center, people dressed in weird matching uniforms stood around a strange green haired man wearing a cloak. "I am Ghestis of team plasma. I have gathered you all to discuss the lives and hopes of your dear Pokemon. You believe they live for battles and could feel no greater happiness than with you. What if I told you that everything you know about your way of life is... a lie." There were gasps from the crowd, people started muttering, on lone man was nodding, and a few laughed in disbelief. 'Have you considered the idea that humanity has only assumed that Pokemon really wish to be our friends and partners. Would they truly wish to be forced to work and fight? We personally don't believe it, but trainers would only care about power and glory. Pokemon are wondrous creatures with amazing power, but what they need from us most is?" He looked toward the clueless crowd who had started considering his words. When no one answered he gestured towards the others standing around him who shouted "LIBERATION" in unison. "Yes! Our goal as activists is to liberate Pokemon from the clutches of Man! Then and only then will humans and Pokemon be equal. Please, I implore you consider the relationship of Pokemon and humans. Thank you for your attention." With that the group took their flags down and left the square. A new voice began shouting something behind them "This is ridiculous! Don't you think that if Pokemon were truly unhappy they wouldn't stay with us?!" Robin turned around at this new debate. A girl with pale skin and Indigo hair was trying to get people to listen, but everyone was steering clear after the jarring words of Ghestis. She caught Robin's gaze and pointed at him. "You're a trainer aren't you?! Don't you find the way they talk about us a tad bit insulting?" Robin was caught violently off-guard. "Uh well not really..." The girl looked shocked. "Well, I know Oshawott isn't against battling right bud?" Oshawott nodding enthusiastically. "And if Oshawott is fine then I'm fine." She gave him a slightly irritated look and left. Robin and Mike gave each other confused looks and shrugged as Oshawott babbled to itself.

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