6. The Ministry of Magic

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The next day both George and Jack closed their stores for the day, under the guise of a restock for George and for Jack, he was getting a brand new item to sell out of town. In reality, they were both headed to London, specifically to the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic. Jack had invited George to his home the night before to make it easier on the both of them. When morning came, the two got ready and ate breakfast.

"So what's the plan?" Jack asked

"Right. So first, we get into the Ministry. Tons of people go in through the elevators, so we'll enter in that way. Second, we'll need to get you to the Department of Artifacts. You'll make your way there and I'll be looking for Hermione's office. You said you had a muggle device that could help us communicate long distance right?"

"Oh yeah, let me go grab them!"

Jack rushed upstairs to his office where he pulled out two walkie-talkies. He brought them back downstairs to show George

"You've got radios?"

"Walkie-Talkies is what I call them."

"That's right, American." George said with a smile, which made Jack chuckle.

"These will help us communicate while your searching for the Minister's office and I'm who knows where in the building."

"Brilliant. So from there, we'll do step three. I'll ask Hermione where a Ms. Jane Reynolds has her office, under the impression that I believe one of my hand made pranks from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes should be considered historical and approved as an important artifact by the Department."

"You think she'll fall for that?"

"No, but she'll be too kind to tell me that it's a waste of time, so that should get us in."

"You know this could all be avoided if we just ask someone where her office is."

"Do you want to do this the boring way? If you do that's fine, but just know that when people ask how the two of you met, you'll put them to sleep if we do it that way."

Jack smiled. He had never seen George plan something out so carefully before.

"So after we get the location of her office, you walk in and say..."

"I don't know."

"You don't know?! Jack you've got to have something ready."

"I'll think of something on the way, we've got to go!"

The two walked out of the house and headed to the nearest telephone station. George grabbed a hat to make himself less noticeable. Jack had

"Have you traveled to the Ministry before Jack?"

"No, but I've seen loads of people do it. How bad could it be?"

"Right, just remember to keep your head down and don't talk to anyone unless you absolutely have to."

"Got it."

The two arrived at the telephone booth, got in, and took it down all the way to the Ministry. Jack was amazed at how many people were there.

"Blending in is going to be the easiest thing ever."

"Don't get too confident now, you've been in the Daily Prophet quite a lot recently, and people here read the news."

The door to the elevator opened as the two got out. Jack handed George a walkie-talkie for his part of the plan.

"I guess we split here. Good luck George."

"You too Fred—I mean, Jack. Sorry, bit of a force of habit."

Jack gave him a pat on the shoulder and a reassuring smile. George gave him a grateful look and the two went off. Jack walked around looking for a map of the building, having a hard time finding one. It had slipped his mind to bring one of his maps that told him how to get around in places like this. He realized that he was gonna have to ask someone for directions. He was looking around for someone without a newspaper or someone who didn't look like they worked at the Ministry, but he was having no luck. Then, someone tapped him on the shoulder, startling Jack a bit.

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