𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓲𝔁

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    I had just finished getting on my pjs. Everyone had agreed to meet back in the living room in 10 minutes. During those ten minutes everyone has been suspicious of what my past is including my job. Let's just say they're not going to sleep tonight.

As I made it to the living room everyone was already there. Damn talk about up tight. Although they did have on their night clothes too. Luca had on some shorts that matched his shirt. He was sitting on the couch along with Easton.  He had his hair tied up in a sexy hair ponytail. While Cinny graced me with his beauty of being shirtless. All he had on was some blue loose pants. Damn they were hot as hell - okay I'm going to stop now.

They were all spread out on the couch and floor. Cinny was sitting in between them on the white carpeted floor.

" Are you sure you want to tell us. You can only tell us the job part if you want. " Luca said.  " No, I think he needs to tell us the whole story." Easton disagreed while he arched a brow in Luca's direction. " No, I think both of you need to chill and let him decide." Cinnamon said shutting both of them off. He sat back down giving me the stage again.

Looks like this is it. My emotions are all over the place, but what I really feel is emptiness almost emotionless.. " Well where do you want me to start. With the scars or should I start with the undercover job? " I said. My tone changed from regular to emotionless in an instant.

" You could start by your voice." Cinny said. I gave him a confused look. " I mean change it back to your original accent. I love the Russian accent. I think it's sexy." He winked at me. I just rolled my eyes and continued. " Okay but seriously where do I start there's a lot to go over." I let my American accent go, replacing it with my signature Russian mixed with German accent." I looked up and everyone looked surprised.

" Wow you hide that well. I never would've picked up on it." Luca said blushing from how strong it was. " Thanks love." I said.

" I just want to hear the damn story." Easton sighed. He made a high pitched squeal when Luca pulled his ear disapprovingly.

" Okay so I guess I'll start with my job. You see my job is a bit dangerous and requires me to travel a lot. Part of why I picked this job is three reasons. For one: I am my own boss, well sort of. And two: From all the abuse I suffered from as a child I had to pick this job. My parents you could say are a bit.. what's the word.. okay I don't know the word for ' your parents train you to be an assassin ever since you started to walk.' Killing is basically second hand to us." I bit my lip looking up. They all just stared at me.

Luca was clearly surprised, Easton was skeptical, and Cinny was unimpressed. " So basically you grew up in a house of killers." Cinny said, raising a brow. " Well y'all took that well, but no not exactly your close though." I said. Easton gave me the quote to continue. " My job consists of three things hacking into databases and finding info on people, assassinating those people, and making sure I don't get found out. And no not about the people I assassinate." I said taking a breath.

" Then who?" Questioned Luca. I bit my lip." My brothers." Easton sat up from his seat. " So what is your profession exactly? Are you some Russian spy from overseas or like some hacker from the government?" Easton said looking dead in my eyes. I raised a brow. " Actually yes, I am." I said giggling slightly. My sense of humor is a little fucked up in the head.

" I'm going to need you to continue that sentence Nico." He said. I rolled my eyes. " What I meant was that you're correct. I'm sort of a Russian spy and no, not for the government. I'm Russian mixed with German. I'm a hacker that works for part of America, but really I only do this for myself. I am my own boss, but I legally need someone to work under. Get it? " I asked. " It's the only job I'm actually good at."

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