Chapter Six

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 "Fury." Natasha announced herself as she walked into Fury's personal office.

"Agent Romanoff, I assume you've read the file I sent you and know your objective for this mission."

"Yes, which is why I was confused to learn that you requested a meeting with me." Her eyes narrowed, silently demanding an answer.

"I know you usually like working alone, but in this case I would like you to get to know someone on the team you'll be working with, take him under your wing, if you will. His name is Peter Parker." Fury slapped a file down in front of Natasha.

She opened the file and skimmed through it.

"Also known as Spider-man." Her eyes widened briefly at Fury's words before returning back to an unreadable expression.

"I was not aware Spider-man was a SHIELD asset, I was under the impression he was a lower level vigilante."

"We like to keep his profile low, it allows people to underestimate his abilities which comes in handy during missions. In reality he is an invaluable asset, anyone that can convince deadpool and daredevil to work for SHIELD is a force to be reckoned with." Natasha let her shock be seen on her face.

"Keep in mind that all of the information I tell you is classified and under no circumstances is anyone to know of what is in that file or what I tell you today." Natasha observed the way Fury's tone of voice turned protective.

"You seem to have quite a bit of faith in this kid, Fury. Who is he to you?" Fury knew his pride in Peter's abilities must have been obvious in his speech if Natasha had asked him this, so he hesitated before answering truthfully.

"He's my honorary nephew." Natasha barely blinked, taking in the information as it was given to her.

"Peter's still a teenager, which means he's impressionable and he still has some things to learn. That's just another reason I didn't invite Barton to come along: I don't want that idiot rubbing off on him." Fury continued while Natasha cracked a small smile at how true his words were. If Clint was here there would be no way his goofy antics wouldn't rub off on him.

"I want him to take over SHIELD one day when I retire, or die, whichever comes first," Fury waved his hand off, dismissing the matter of his expected retirement or death nonchalantly. "The problem is that each time I've brought this up, Peter either changes the subject or runs out of the room."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to help him feel more confident in his leadership skills. He has good instincts, he just needs to see it for himself."

"What else?" Natasha could tell something was running through Fury's mind.

"The Avenger's haven't met him yet. If they hear out of the blue that there is a new leader of SHIELD, they are obviously going to be suspicious of him. Therefore, I want to slowly introduce the Avenger's to Peter to help build trust between them, starting with you."

Natasha remained quiet, rolling over his words in her mind, and she also couldn't deny her curiosity at wanting to meet someone Fury is obviously very fond of.

"Oh, and one more thing, Peter also happened to be that unknown number that texted you."



Uh oh, looks like Peter's in trouble with a certain spider mama!

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