chapter 10

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Both Arthit and kong stepped inside the house with their eyes searching the surrounding for any threat. 4 guards walked to them and leads them to the backside of the house where a car is waiting for them with a driver. One of the men asked them to hop on the car, which both Arthit and kong did without any questions.

"Sir, they started, but.."


"He is not alone" one of his men declared before showing the photo of Arthit and kong hopping on the car.

Jonath smirked evilly and asked the guard to lead them to his room once after they arrive "Be careful with the other guy he is not someone you guys should be careless of! Keep an eye on him always!" Jonath warned his men before he leaves the room. He also called the guard who wrote the letter for him to send to kong.

"I asked you to mention he should come with Anu right! Did you mentioned that?" He asked without averting his eyes from his laptop.

The guard shivered and shook his head "I am sorry-.. BAM!!" Jonath shot him at his hand and ask him to leave without a sound. Jonath leaned on the chair while his eyes fixed on the laptop which is on his lap.

The car moves slowly because of the high breeze towards their target. Arthit hands still intertwined with kong whose eyes is fixed on the window checking the surrounding curiously. Arthit glanced his next seat where Jonath men were seated with him.

He quickly leaned his face close to kong after yanked kong's neck to turn to him. Jonath men were shocked to see them kissing but the truth is they are not! Arthit is just pretending to kiss kong who stopped his breath the moment Arthit breath mingled with his breath.

"Kongpop, remember I am a stranger to you so act according to it, never shows we have a plan on our hand, I don't know what you think of Jonath! But he is not someone you should take light so don't act out of your character" Arthit mumbled at him.

Kong released his breath when Arthit backs away from him, his tanned skin is no different than a tomato, he knows Arthit just warned something at him but he doesn't know what? Because his mind is busy praying for that cherry lips to land on his lips and give that divine taste once again, he longingly fixed his eyes on the alluring lips which he want on his skin, he doesn't know why he hell his body craved for the forbidden fruit in death or live situation?

A squeeze on his hand made him snap out of his not so innocent dreams. His eyes move to Arthit eyes which fixed on the front, while he enjoying the view of Arthit serious face the car stopped in front of the two-story house.

Both kong and Arthit were lead into the house, the guards stopped them at the entrance and start to check them for any weapon. When it time to check kong, another guard stopped him motioning him he should not touch him.

Kong wondered just how well Arthit knows about Jonath that he can easily predict that Jonath will never allow anyone to touch even a strand of his hair. This time both didn't hold their hands just followed the man who leads them towards the stairs.

Kong prayed to god that he will not spoil anything and do the two tasks Arthit assigned to him perfectly. Arthit eyes roamed every corner of the place memorizing every single detail, he already expected that they will not search kong's body that's why he asked kong to keep the needle but what he didn't expect was Jonath will allow him to walk with kong.

"Sir, they are here" a man informed Jonath who gestured his man to allow them. Both Arthit and kong stepped inside the room, Arthit dark brown eyes fixed on Jonath's dirty eyes. Arthit knows Jonath will sure keep an eye on him that's why he didn't check his surroundings while kong's eyes checked the surroundings.

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