Chapter Three- The dilemma of different

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Paul arched his back as he woke up, stretching out his rested body, and felt a weight over his chest. Rubbing his eyes, blinking them open, he looked down at his sleeping boyfriend; Ash was sprawled on the bed, face down, with his arm thrown over Paul's ribs haphazardly.

His watch alerted him to the time – it was just after three pm, so he'd slept a few hours. He carefully untangled himself from his boyfriend body, deciding to leave Ash to get some much-needed sleep, and made his way into the bathroom.

Washing his hands after using the facilities, he remembered that Delia was preparing a fucking party. He groaned; he was dreading it!

Oh, he would attend the damn thing, for Ash's sake, but he wouldn't pretend to enjoy himself; he wouldn't be held accountable for his actions if it all went to hell, but he'd try not to cause problems.

Returning back to the guest room, Paul quietly switched out of his lounge trousers for black joggers and trainers. Hoody on over a grey polo-neck, long sleeved t-shirt, Paul descended the stairs to go for a run.

"Paul! Is Ash awake?" Delia had seen him then – Damn it!

"Not yet, I left him to sleep. He hasn't been able to sleep much since hearing the news Tuesday night." Paul informed her. It was Thursday currently.

"Oh, My!" Delia frowned, slightly concerned about her son's lack of sleep. "I guess it's best to let him rest for a bit longer then. The guests won't arrive until five anyway. Wake him up for me at four thirty won't you dear?"

Paul nodded politely. "I'm just going for a run." He informed her, making his way to front door. Delia was rather exuberant, and he didn't know how to deal with such a zealous woman. Were all mothers like that?


"Ash! GET - UP, or so help me ... I'll flip this fucking mattress!" Paul shoved Ash's shoulder again, stole his pillow with one yank – tossing it aside, and then started to lift the mattress as he had threatened.

"Fine! Fine! I'm up, damn it!" Ash gave in, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. A set of clothes landed in his lap – a three toned grey tracksuit, with a white t-shirt. It seemed Paul remembered that he wore tracksuits on account of his leg – they were easier to get on.

"Get dressed! It's quarter to five. Your mother invited people over, remember? They'll be arriving in fifteen minutes. I am not attending this fucking party solo!"

Well, Ash blinked, Paul was in a great mood!

Climbing out of bed, Ash sighed and made his way to the bathroom to get ready.


"Ah! You must be Paul." Professor Samuel Oak, shook his hand. "When Delia told me that Ash had brought home a boyfriend... well, I thought she was a Boldore in a bath tub." Professor Oak chuckled. "Turns out she wasn't pulling my leg at all. Yes, every now and then even a Pokémon will go against what we scientists predict to be in their nature."

Ash was trying hard not to laugh at the look of confusion on his boyfriend's face; Paul really had no words for Samuel Oak, and to be fair, the professor was a little eccentric sometimes.

"Come on gramps!" Gary rolled his eyes at his grandfather. "Let's move along so that Ash can great his other guests shall we. I'm sure Ashy-boy will catch up with us later."

Ash sobered at that, glaring at Gary as he disappeared into the house, but he was thankful that he'd dragged his grandfather away with him. Paul looked at Ash questionably – ah, he was jealous, Ash realised.

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