Chapter One - Rocking the Boat Home

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A sudden high-pitched, hair-raising scream came from the living room. Ash immediately put down his glass of water onto the kitchen counter top and limped into the other room to find Reggie watching the eleven o'clock news – the late-night news. Ash frowned in confusion; Reggie seemed fine, he was sitting comfortably on the couch and engrossed in the live report that a young brunette reporter was giving – she looked fearful however, terribly pale and shaky as she continued in a trembling voice.

"...unknown w-why the disturbances are happening. Officer J-Jenny and a team of specialists are currently on the case. In the meantime, authorities have asked that everyone please stay home after sundown, travel with companions, and s-stay safe. T-This is your reporter, Miss–"

Another blood-curdling scream suddenly interrupted the reporter, the camera spun around trying to catch the source of such a chilling sound, but there was nothing there except Saffron gym shrouded in the darkness of night.

'Saffron gym! What the hell was going on in Saffron city?' Ash thought, suddenly jumping when a hand landed on his shoulder.

"You scared the crap outta me!" Ash shouted as he turned to find Paul standing behind him. He sighed, shaking his head as his heart drummed against his chest.

"I thought you were coming to bed!" Paul's voice held a degree of annoyance, he'd been waiting upstairs for Ash to join him like his boyfriend had promised, but that had been ten minutes ago. He'd come down looking for him, thinking something was wrong, but didn't expect him to be watching the news with Reggie.

"I was! I just heard..." Ash turned and noticed how Reggie's attention was now on them. "What's going on in Saffron city?" Ash asked Reggie instead, moving away from Paul to sit perpendicular to Reggie in the armchair.

Reggie glanced between Paul and Ash, shifting forward before answering the question. "They're not sure yet. I'm sure everything is fine." Reggie said, trying to save Ash from unnecessary panic.

"Those screams didn't sound fine to me!" Ash pointed to the TV. "That's Saffron city, Kanto! My mum lives there – my friends!" Ash insisted.

Reggie sighed, and Paul realised that Ash hadn't simply dawdled or avoided coming up to bed – something was wrong.

"There's been some strange occurrences in Saffron city that they haven't been able to solve yet, but Officer Jenny, the Saffron city gym leader, and various specialists are working to figure out the issue and resolve it." Reggie explained.

"What kind of occurrences?" Ash insisted, annoyed that Reggie was deliberately withholding information from him.

Paul yanked Ash up from the armchair, sat down himself, and then pulled a blushing Ash down onto his lap. Blushing or not however, Ash was still giving Reggie a pointed look.

"There's really nothing to worry about Ash. Why don't you get some sleep and–"

"Cut the crap Reggie!" Paul interrupted his brother. Something was obviously wrong, and he knew Ash wouldn't let this go until he had answers regarding his home region. Paul was rather curious himself.

"Alright fine!" Reggie gave in, finally explaining everything he'd heard on the news.


These strange 'occurrences' turned out to be more sinister then Ash had expected. A sudden increase of depression, headaches and hallucinations had been reported from several civilians in Saffron city. People and pokémon alike were falling to sleep without signs of waking up, and mysterious cries and shrieks could be heard piercing through the night. Everyone was frightened, and no one knew as of yet, what was happening.

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