Chapter Four- Breakthrough and limitations

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"...Many elaborate tests were carried out throughout the day, and a spike in gas levels were recorded at precisely eight-twenty-two pm – just after sundown. What has our scientists confused however, is that the readings for pollution are inconsistent, fluctuating, and never appear in the same area during retesting. I have been advised to inform you all, that in light of this new evidence, it is imperative that the residents of Saffron City stay home after eight pm.
Surrounding areas, including Cerulean, Celadon, and Vermilion city, will be tested for gas pollution at three-hour intervals, but tests have yet to show any concern for those cities. The question remains, will the pollution spread, and where is it coming from?"

The black-haired female reporter paused, adjusted her black, oval glasses, and checked her notes before resuming.

"The patients at Saffron city hospital – that fell victim to sudden slumber, eventually woke up confused, some disorientated, and some describing the last thing they'd heard, was an eerie cry in the night, or a strange deep laughter. They've also reported to suffering from strange dreams while asleep.
Other patients have started phoning into the hospital reporting a range of symptoms, these include: depression, headaches and hallucinations – including the claim of paranormal activity. Despite such worrying symptoms, citizens are advised to stay home! These symptoms seem to abate and cease after sunrise, but if they get worse or do not abate at all by sunrise, please visit the nearest hospital after eight am.
There have still been no fatalities; all patients that have yet to do so, are expected to make a full recovery.
Citizens, please adhere to the safety and precautionary advice given, and please be watchful of your neighbours. It is imperative that everyone remains calm and does not panic!"

The reporter put down her paper and looked up into the camera.

"For everyone outside of Kanto, we are in regional distress! Please do not travel into the region unless you are a resident here and have no choice. If you are a resident of Saffron City, you may contact the helpline shown on the screen below – you may be eligible for compensation to assist you with the costs of temporary accommodation until it is safe for you to return home. This is your reporter, Miss Ebony Brenton, and I wish you all a safe night!"

The news ended with a two-toned blue information screen, with contacts and a reminder of the curfew in operation in Saffron City. Paul, Ash, and Delia, sat in silence blinking at the Tv screen. The issues only started Tuesday night, and the town went into regional distress yesterday, but it was still clear that they had no idea what was happening.

"Mmm." Ash pondered a moment later, still feeling like there was something very familiar about those symptoms; something was out of reach in his mind, and it bothered him that he couldn't grasp it, nor make sense of the feeling.

"What?" Paul frowned. Ash was sporting a look he was unfamiliar with – an expression of deep thought and annoyance.

"Nothing." Ash shook his head, but Paul's continued curiosity made him elaborate. "I just feel like I should know something. You know, like ... when you have a tune on your mind but you can't remember the song or anything?"

"Not particularly." Paul said, at the same time as Delia nodded her understanding.

"Well, it's like that! I feel like I know something but I don't know what it is that I know... ya know?"

"No, I don't know!" Paul continued to frown.

"Just don't go getting into trouble Ash!" Delia said, standing up to leave the room. "I'm sure that whatever it is will be sorted out soon enough."

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