Ch:1 Alive and Skipping Town

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Kurtz's POV:
I had just locked Jughead inside the freezer chuckling to myself as I turned around to leave I saw him.............The Gargoyle King. Standing still for a minute of two I could hear Jughead banging on the freezer door behind me. Chuckling I was about to turn around to just finish Jones off but heard a click of a gun

my eyes flashed up towards his majesty's arms seeing a gun hearing the shot go off I felt the bullet enter my side I fall to the ground slightly holding my jacket down on my side to apply pressure to the wound as I closed my eyes, hearing Jones finally break out of the freezer I stayed still and didn't dare breathe or open my eyes. After a couple minutes I groaned opening my eyes, slowly sitting up,wincing a bit as I look around I saw nothing, No Gargoyle King, no Jones, nothing just me sitting in the small patch of snow that had a small pool of blood in it.

lifting my jacket and shirt up looking down to see my rib cage was where the bullet entered I could still see it too. Deciding to not freeze anymore or die out from blood loss I dialed 911 and laid there after texting my dad that I was going to the hospital and to meet there. I now just waited for the ambulance to come and pick me up.

(Time Skip)

I had just finished getting into a room as I saw my dad burst into the room he looked angry and sad at the same time,

"Son, I told you that game is dangerous and deadly but do you listen, do you ever listen? No, you never listen do you. What is going on with you you've been acting out of it all month! I mean first, sneak behind my back and get a tattoo which I did not give you permission to have, than earlier tonight you get yourself arrested for the Fizzle Rocks and the G and I looked past that tonight when the sheriff called earlier about arresting you but......but now this! Son you get yourself shot and in the same night you get yourself arrested how can you manage to do that but somehow while your doing all this running and exercise yet you haven't passed gym? Son, what is going on with you?"

I just rolled my eyes at my father,

"I got the tattoo last month when I asked you to sign that paper for my failed algebra test it was a permission slip for me to get the tattoo. As for why I've been acting out as you put it. Well ever since mom passed away it's like all you ever do anymore is work. I mean how else could I get your attention so we can deal with this? You think I haven't tried talking about it with you well I have You just never want to talk about her or anything! It's like your scared that if you talk about her that all the pain is goons return but guess what dad it's never going away and the worst part is, it's that you don't even want me to go visit Aunt Violet. She's been alone in that house for a year only ever had us over for the funeral that was three months ago. She needs company dad and I need to leave this stupid town."

I said Looking at the time it was about 6:00 AM in the morning. My dad signed rubbing his face,

"you want to know why I don't talk about your mother it's because she was sick and I tried to help her I tried everything to help her but she was stubborn like you. You both neglect the help I've tried so hard to give so that Monday when you saw her in bed with the bottle it wasn't because she took too many it was because she wasn't taking them at all. Those pills were supposed to help her but she pretended to take them I found them in the bathroom trashcan I only said it was an OD because that felt like an better explanation than telling my own son that his mother was sick and died due to not taking her meds. I'm sorry kid it's just I know how close you both were and as for why I work I figured you needed space and I also was trying to get together some money so we could help your Aunt refurnish her house."

He said placing a hand on top of mine sighing I just turned my head thinking about what he just said he really wanted to help her and I didn't even see what was going on right in front of my face.

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