The Bunker and a Murder

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(A/N they are still wearing the costumes from last chapter and Eleanor's expression later on in the chapter)

Eleanor's POV:
It was already 8:00 when I slowed down my car to park it. I glanced out the windshield and saw nothing but forest and greenery for miles ahead of me. This was definitely not what I thought about when Kurtz mentioned a secret hangout for Riverdale's supposed gangs. Looking over at said boy he was already unbuckled and rummaging through the back seat only to pull out a black backpack and than opened the door only to open my backseat door and pull out something else, sighing I got out and slammed my car door shut walking around to see Kurtz pulling out a big duffel bag from my back seat.

"What the heck is in that thing? I thought we were just gonna spray paint something and maybe break a few things not murder someone!"

I hissed at him as he stopped unloading the bag and slammed the backseat door shut making me jump a bit at the sound as he went back to the front digging for something under my passenger seat, what did he even put under there? Also when did he put the duffel bag in my backseat it wasn't like he had it on him when he left his aunt's place or did he and I just not notice? He must have found what he was look for since he shut the door and gave me something, looking down I saw it was a flashlight. Fishing out my keys I locked my car before Kurtz handed me the backpack and he took the duffel bag and before I knew it we were walking into the dark forest with only our flashlights as our source of light.

"So, what's in here exactly and when did you put this in my car cause I don't recall you having this when you exited your aunt's place?"

I asked pushing a tree branch away from my face as we walked through the trees and darkness, Kurtz was a little bit in front of me so he stopped walking and let me catch up before we fell into step with each other side by side even if I could bearly see his face due to his had and shades,

"Well aren't you nosy? To answer your questions, In the backpack is spray paint, knives, extra clothes, and medical gloves while the duffel has trash bags, a lighter, bolt cutters, duck tape, more spray paint, and a video camera. Lance called me earlier and said he placed it in your car after stealing your keys from you during lunch apparently when you left to the bathroom."

I listened nodding as he went on and I could almost hear the smirk on his face as he explained how the duffel bag got into my car and I already knew one thing that I was doing tomorrow,

"Lance is soooo dead! Seriously he thinks he can......wait what did you just call me?"

I asked wanting to make sure I heard him correctly. I prayed that he didn't say what I think he said cause if he did than that means someone other than Lance, Dad, and Aunt Tay remember last summer. Kurtz was quiet for a while before clearing his throat as he stopped walking making me stop as well facing each other as the light of our flashlights illuminated the area around us,

"What you mean asking if you were being Nosy?"

He sounded confused and I almost laughed in relief but composed myself and let out a sigh as I patted his shoulder,

"Just don't call me that.................ever ok? Now come on how far did you say this place was again?"

I asked shaking my head as I started walking again hoping it wasn't much further.

Kurtz's POV:
The hike to the bunker was kinda annoying due to the cold air and the fact that we were hiking through fox forest but hey the things you have to do for revenge right? As we came towards a clearing I saw that some of the bones and twigs that shaped that of the Gargoyle King still stayed strung up and the fire pit was put out recently so that definitely means we have to get to the bunker fast, glancing over towards Eleanor she was starring up at the makeshift Gargoyle King I placed a hand on her shoulder smiling as I removed my baseball cap and placed it on her head backwards,

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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The Gargoyle and The Broken Girl (A Riverdale AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang