Ch: 3 Meeting the Peincipal, his very cute Daughter

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Eleanor's POV:
As I came out of the main office checking my book bag I felt Lance's presence behind me about to cover my eyes so before he had the chance to do that I beat him to it.

"I know your there Lance, you've tried to pull that same trick since the 5th grade it's not gonna work."

I said as I turned towards my nerdy friend who just smiled chuckling as he held up his hands in 'surrender'

"yeah ok, ok so I have some news we've got a new addition to our small duo as well as the school, listen before you interject hear me out."

He said before I could say anything,

" For one, he doesn't make fun of me and he's also Ms. Brooks's nephew who moved here two days ago. He already got to see what Harry was like so he pretty much knows what the school is like already.......and I kinda already promised him I'd introduce you two and I asked your dad if we could be his tour guides today and he already agreed so there's no chance in backing out."

I just started at him with a raised eyebrow and crossed my arms as he scratched the back of his head before he sighed I knew there was definitely more to this than just him asking my dad since my father was a sorta strict man,

"ok and bribed him with a muffin basket and three 2 L bottles of cherry cola."

I just smiled playfully punching his side,

"you know my dad so well and hey if he's as boring as you say he is, I'll consider letting him join our little group. I'll just see how dad likes him after school."

I said as I took out my phone checking the time as Lance rolled his eyes taking my phone away from me as I started to pout,

"Hey now, no pouting. What would dear old daddy dearest think of that and I know for a fact that the new kid won't like seeing you pout either, so come on, bring that smile back."

He said as he messed up my hair a bit before I playfully shoved him off, fixing my hair smiling as I laughed a bit,

"yeah, yeah whatever this better be worth missing gym for and you know how I feel about missing gym."

I said as I folded my arms over my chest as we both waited for the new kid to leave my father's office.

(Time Skip)

It was over half an hour and Gym was already over by now and everyone was off to their second period which for both Lance and I would be Chemistry but we both were passing with A's so I didn't see any point in having the office call them. As I returned to the chairs outside my dad's office with a bag of chips from the vending machine, the door to the office finally opened and out stepped my father followed by Ms. Brooks and behind her was a boy.

He was definitely Lance and I's age and by the looks of it he actually had a sense of style, one that consisted of black ripped pants, a plain grey tee-shirt, a black zip up, a few chokers and a necklace chain with a dog tag on it. He has messy brown hair and deep brown eyes that screamed mysterious. He was everything my father wanted me to stay away from but considering the fact that he is letting him enroll here makes me think that maybe my dad has changed his mind about kids who look like drug dealers.

I smiled as my father shook Ms. Brooks hand,

"thank you for this meeting Violet, I'm sure your nephew will be very happy here at our school and don't worry, I've informed his teachers about his arrival in class being tomorrow instead of today. He will just be given a tour around the school by my daughter and one of my top scoring students. Kurtz this is Lance Mathews, one of my most promising students and this is my daughter, Eleanor please make sure he has a good tour dear. Again Violet don't you worry about a thing, nothing will happen to your nephew while he studies here, he will be perfectly safe here. I promise you that."

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