Ch: 2 Explaining and a New Friend

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Kurtz's POV:
I slowly woke up to the smell of fresh Waffles dragging myself from the comfort of the warm bed I made my way downstairs rubbing my eyes as I entered the kitchen seeing my Aunt Violet making Waffles.

"Morning Sleepyhead made your favorite, Waffles with 100% maple syrup and not that knockoff brand that you and your father hate so much, so how'd you sleep?"

She asked as she poured some of the batter into the waffle iron.

"Uh surprisingly well. You know this's just like the old days huh? You cooking breakfast, me instantly knowing what your making based on just the smell?"

I said chuckling a bit as I grabbed three plates setting them down as Aunt Violet smiled,

"yeah it is."

She replied smiling placing down a two fluffy, golden brown waffle in front of me as I reached for the syrup,

"So Carson called earlier while you were sleeping. He said he'd be a bit late due to the cops calling him down for questioning on your whereabouts so anything you wanna tell me?"

She asked as she moved the syrup from my reach I just froze dad was being asked about my whereabouts? That only means that they figured out I wasn't dead and that I possibly left town I can't tell her about what happened until dad comes but how else would I get her to lay off until he gets here? I thought to myself as she sighed folding her arms across her chest,

"look I know your not technically supposed to say anything about what's going on until he gets here but let me ask you this, when have you been one to follow the rules? You know if your in any kind of trouble I will do whatever I can to help you. Now does this have anything to do with G&G?"

I looked up at her wide eyed how did she,

"your may not think your father contacted me since your mom, but when it came to you starting that game back up again he was worried for you, then you started the drugs, then you started to make them and deal them all while playing that cursed game. Now he may not show it but he cares for you and he has called me a few times after you started to cook and deal the harder stuff. Also you may not know this but we had the game here back in my days of high school that's how your mom and I met your father it was our sophomore year of high school."

She said as I stopped mid bite very interested in this dad never mentioned anything about know Aunt Violet or mom until his junior year of high school but I guess he lied.

"Yeah some people had heart attacks and died before it was ever in Riverdale so let me ask you again, does this have to do with the game?"

I was shocked dad never told me Aunt Violet knew about the game or that it was ever even in Seaside before Riverdale but apparently he did care more than I thought he did.

"Yeah. It was the Sheriff's son, Jughead's final quest him and his family had to save the little Princess, his youngest sister who was summoned by the king. I was gonna leave town after the game finished but things didn't work out, they agreed to play the game. Each of them passed each quest until it was down to one. The final quest for the Hellcastor, it was Jughead's turn to pick either the gryphon or the gargoyle door that "held" his sister who actually was at home I locked him inside one of the freezers after he looked in each of them and was planning on leaving town at that point after I give him a bit of a scar but that's when things went downhill. I saw him, the Gargoyle King he shot me left me for dead I applied pressure and didn't move until after Jones broke out of the freezer and than ran to get his sister I got up after I knew he was gone. I dialed 911 and called dad and got cleared at the hospital then hopped a bus and now we're here."

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