Ch: 4 Dinner and Photo Session

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Eleanor's POV:
I had just finished getting ready to go meet Kurtz when my dad came into my room smiling,

"well don't you look beautiful. You driving with your aunt and I or are you waiting for Lance?"

I shook my head turning towards him adjusting my scarf a bit,

"I'm actually going to hang out with Kurtz tonight and we're going into Riverdale to grab dinner and to see what the Bulldogs are up to."

He just sighed walking over to me placing both his hands on my shoulder looking me in the eyes,

"Now darling, while I appreciate that your getting to know our new student and hanging out with him. I have to ask if this is about that incident last year with the school and the side of the building, I'm gonna have to advise both him and you to not do anything. No matter how much that school deserves some payback. You as well as I know that we can't afford for that town or school to be on our radar. Well, not yet anyways."

I was a bit confused by that last part but shrugged it off rolling my eyes smiling,

"dad relax. We're not doing anything to the school. Lance suggested that we just go have dinner and get to know each other and may just go for a drive. Go have fun with Aunt Tay and make sure Lance doesn't get tricked into drinking the spiked punch again please?"

I asked as he nodded kissing my forehead,

"you be safe and make sure once your done to call me or text me I'll have Taylor call you at some point tonight just to check in ok I love you now go have fun."

I laughed a bit as I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs to see my aunt smiling at me,

"you look so beautiful and ready to have some fun honey! That Kurtz is one lucky young man and remember if he does anything, like say, lead you to somewhere that has candle light be prepared to use that lipgloss I gave you last year for Christmas."

She said as I blushed a bit but was shocked a bit,

"how did you kno...."

"Oh Eleanor, sweetheart you've been anti dating since you knew what it meant to date. I mean with your last crush it didn't do you any good, Plus the fact that you've known Lance since you were in preschool and I don't recall you blushing when I asked you who you were going to hangout with last year during homecoming. That and your father mentioned that Kurtz seemed to stare at you during the whole introduction today. It was the same look your father gave your mother when he first saw her. That and you, my dear have that same glowing aura around you that your mom did when she first started to date your father. Now go have fun tonight but not too much fun we don't need any more surprises to add to this town. Good luck tonight darling."

She said as she gave me a hug and kissed my cheeks before walking into the kitchen as I grabbed my keys and headed out getting into my car I checked my phone seeing Kurtz had texted the address of his aunt's place before starting the drive there. I know that my family hasn't been the same since my mom but we've made do. So far, my aunt has been giving me a lot more romance advice than I need and my dad has been both overprotective and too supportive at the same time but I can't do much about it.

My family was never really the greatest or the picture perfect family that we appeared to be I mean sure we were happy, yet we also had our secrets that we wanted to be kept under the radar. For example, like how my aunt had an affair with the school's last janitor before he quit, or how my older brother was crazy and married someone equally as insane as him.

After last year, my aunt took over as mom's replacement until she got bored and went back to being a waitress. My older brother moved out the day after the funeral with his wife and they only visit occasionally or during the holidays, My Dad still doesn't like to talk about what happened and I really haven't asked too many times about what happened to her sticking to my school work and hanging out with Lance.

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