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Zunere Hatun lay on her bed, her arm in the air, as she played with the lantern above. Laila watched her as she read her book. Memories flooded back to Zunere. She sang.

'Yom vereyim hânım! Yerli Karadağların yıkılmasın! Gölgelice kaba ağacın kesilmesin! Kan gibi akan görklü suyun kurumasın! Kanatlarının ucu kırılmasın! Kaadir seni namerde muhtaç etmesin! Koşarken ak-boz atın sürçmesin!' And as the last word slipped off her tongue, Zunere's arm dropped and her eyes closed.

'Sultana'm. Sultana'm?' Laila hurriedly stood up and shook the girl. When she didn't respond she called out. 'Zunere Sultan! Zunere Sultan! Guards call the doctors! Quickly!'

*an hour later*

'Merak etme, Sultan'im, she just passed out due to too much stress. She will awaken in her own time.' 'Eyvallah, Doctor.' Melikshah looked back at his daughter. He stroked her cold cheek. 'Ah, benim kizim. You endure the pain I can't, You live the life I won't, You lead the war I don't. You are everything to me, one of my two hearts. My merciful kalbim. You are my right eye, My right arm, My right leg. Without you, I cannot move. Without you, I'm useless. Come back to me, my beautiful girl. Guzel Kizim.'


'Ana....' Zunere's hand reached out. She was about to take her mother's hand. 'If you take my hand, Zunere, you will leave your Baba , Melikshah and kardas, Osman. As much as I want to stay with you forever, they will hurt without you.' 'Ana, take me with you.' 'You take the choice to leave them, or stay with them. Your Baba loves you, and needs you. I will always be in your heart.' A tear ran down Zunere's cheek. She turned away, from the light, and into the darkness.

*end dream*

'Ana!' Sultan Melikshah looked at his conscious daughter. 'Zunere'm?' 'Baba,IsawAna!' 'Slow down, ceylan gozlum kizim.' 'Baba, I saw Ana! I wanted to go to her, but she wanted me to stay with you. So I did.' Melikshah pulled Zunere into a tight hug. 'Guzel kizim. You have awoken. Get some rest, then you can fully recover.'

Aleezé Hatun rushed in. 'Sorry, Sultan'im, but I think I have the cure for Zunere!' She blurted out, then blushed, and stood still in front of him. 'Eyvallah, Aleezé kizim, but how?' 'My mother and father made me train in the medical field to become a healer. When I saw Zunere Hatun, I knew that she had a lot of stress on her, and it finally broke her. I thought to bring her a strong scent to bring her back to her senses.' 'Tessekur, kizim. Haydi, you treat her.'

Aleezé Hatun opened up a bottle, and walked up to Zunere. She placed the vial under her nose, and instructed for Zunere to inhale the scent. After a few minutes, Zunere felt a tingle in her head. The candles were too bright. 'Laila, blow the candles out.' Laila looked anxiously at Zunere, and then Aleezé. 'Merak Etme, she will have side affects, but they will go away.'

The Sultan squeezed Zunere's hands and kissed her forehead, before leaving the room to plan a few things for an upcoming visit from the Emir of Aleppo, Emir Kasim Hayyat Hadhrat.


'Destur Varmidir, Shah-Baba'm?' 'Gel, ceylan'im.' Zunere Hatun walked into Sultan Melikshah's room. 'You wanted to see me, Baba?' 'We haven't spent enough time together, and I want to spend time with my favourite daughter.' 'I'm your only daughter Baba.' Zunere said chuckling, as she seated herself beside him.

Melikshah held her face in his hands, and kissed her forehead. 'Ahhh benim guzel ceylan gozlum kizim. You get your looks from your Ana, but your wild hair from your Sultan. The last time I brushed it, was 5 years ago. Allow me to brush it again.'

Zunere Hatun sighed, whilst removing her headpiece. She carefully undid her plait, as it fell into wavy curls. She sat on the stool in front of her father, and his hands ran through her hair. He dipped his brush, in rose water, and combed it through her hair.

Her hair was not straight. It was wavy and curly. Not fully curly, just the ends of it. However, every woman in the palace was jealous of her beautiful hair. And to add to that beauty, it was the most perfect deep chocolate colour, just like her father's.

Melikshah didn't have any difficulty brushing her hair. Once he was done, he tied up her hair into little plaits, like he did his own. Zunere stood up, and reseated herself beside him. She put her head on his shoulder, as he put an arm around her. He placed her headpiece over her head.

'Zunere'm?' 'Evet, Baba?' 'I know you don't want to talk about this now, but....' 'But what, Sultan'im?' 'Kizim, in this dynasty, people get married early on.' Zunere's eyes widened. 'Baba, what..?' 'Your mother married me when she was just 16. You've still got a year, until other emirs and aghas get angry about you not following tradition.' 'Baba, I don't want to marry! I won't have any other men control me!'

Zunere stood up, rage in her eyes. 'Zunere.' The Sultan said firmly, bringing her back to line. She bowed her head, and sat next to him. 'Kizim, I know you do not want to marry. I know it makes you unhappy, but tomorrow I will meet Emir Kasim Hayyat. From my spies, I know he will come and ask for you.' 'Then please, Baba, say no.' Zunere pleaded, and Melikshah cupped her face.

'Kizim, Zunere, Kasim will make us more powerful. I will decline for now, as you're still young. But please, take it into account.' Zunere had heard some rumours of Kasim. He was weird, and tales were told of him to scare young women. She didn't like the sound of him. 'Baba, Kasim is.....' 'Kasim is what?' 'Baba, I don't want to marry him or anyone. Please.' Melikshah let go of her face, and his eyes turned cold.

'You will marry, Zunere, either this year or next. To Kasim!' Zunere's eyes widened. Her father never shouted, especially at her. Her eyes teared up, before she nodded and ran to her room. The guards opened her doors, and she flopped onto her bed.

She sobbed and cried, until she fell asleep, in her clothes.

-side note

Sooooo, yay, Zunere's cured. Aleezé is a healer. We will learn more about her as we go along. And Emir Kasim, ugh do we want to talk about him. No. But howwwwww the hell can Melikshah do this to his amazing daughter? But, pleaseeeeee don't hate him! He is going to be one of Zunere's most important pillars in life, and she his. Remember, vote and comment! Lygsm ♥️

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zED8UdOoWLw this is the lullaby Zunere was singing!

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