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*the next day*

'Baba!' 'Ne oldu, kizim?'

Zunere walked into the throne room. Melikshah was pulling on his armour, ready to go attack the castle. 'I want to go save Laila, Baba. She is my sister, and I want to show everyone how capable I am.' Melikshah sighed, thinking about it. Was he really going to let his daughter go and attack the castle?

He then remembered the story of Late Sultan Alp Arslan's son Melikshah. How the small Melik, at the age of 8, conquered a castle. So what was stopping him from sending his grown daughter? 'Tamam, kizim. Remember, this is an important castle. If you manage to attain it, you will become the Ghazi of Iznik Castle. Take Aleezé Hatun with you.' 'Allah never leave us without you, Sultan'im.'

Zunere walked back to her room, taking a few commanders and Aleezé Hatun with her.

'Komutanlar. We will go to Iznik tomorrow, save our sister, and raid the castle. This will be a big moment in history, for us Muslim Turks to take Iznik.' She put a map on her table.

'We will send soldiers around from here, and then some there. They will know that we will use the tunnel that comes below the west wing, because we used that last time. They'll block it off, however, they don't know we have access to the east wing tunnel.'

'Zunere Sultan, that tunnel is blocked, how will we get through?' 'When was the last time you checked the east tunnel, Komutan Saru Batu?' '3 months ago?... but why do you ask?' 'Because, ever since 3 months ago, I had a very skilled blacksmith work on it. Just recently, we got the news that he'd gotten through.'

Zunere flashed a small smile, before turning to Aleezé.

'Bacim. You lived in Iznik. You will lead us to the dungeons, where they most likely took Laila. We will then go from there, and take the head of Tekfur Matheas.' She took her sword from her sheath.

'May Allah be my witness! If we do not take this castle, let my dark sword cut me! May my blood be spilled! It will thrust into the sky, and come out red!'

'Go into the sky, come out red!'

They chanted.

The commanders left, and Aleezé and Zunere sat on her bed. 'Don't worry, Sultana'm. We will take Iznik and save Laila, inshallah.' 'Inshallah, Aleezé, inshallah.'

Zunere dressed in her heavy armour. Her hair tied up in a tight bun, and her scarf was wrapped tightly around her head. Aleezé donned a similar outfit, and they both sharpened their swords. Something clenched in Zunere's heart. She put her hand on it. 'Zunere? Are you ok?' 'Yes...I- we need to go now!' 'Oh, ok.'

Zunere stood, brushing herself off. 'Haydi! Soldiers, we leave now!' She walked in front of them, pacing. 'Today is the day of victory. Today is the day of martyrdom. Either martyrdom or freedom!' 'Ya sehadet, ya hurriyet!' Sultan Melikshah looked proudly at his soldiers, and more at his own daughter.

'We will make a mark to history, we will capture Iznik! We are the hope to the Muslims, everywhere. AllahuAkbar!' Zunere turned to her father, taking his hand. 'Baba..' 'Kizim.' She kissed his hand and ring hard, before putting it towards her forehead. 'My beautiful daughter, I thought I'd never see the day where'd you go take the castle. This is your battle, and I pray we are victorious.' 'With your duas, Baba, Inshallah, we will be victorious. I do everything for you, and our state. Give me your blessings.' 'They are with you, my daughter.'

'Zunere Sultan.' Zunere twisted around to see Ali Agha. 'Yes, Ali?' 'I would like to come save Laila with you, please. She is the love of my life, and I would like to be beside you in conquering Iznik Castle.' 'Of course, Ali Agha. Our Hace must become a Ghazi too. Come on.'


They arrived at the east wing of the castle, and Zunere whispered her orders. 'Soldiers, go from in there.' She pointed at the tunnel which led into the basement. 'Aleezé, you lead.' Aleezé nodded, before entering the tunnel. The soldiers followed on, and Zunere did too.

She picked up a fire lamp, holding it out. 'Sultana'm, we must go from here, to get to the dungeons, and from there, we have to go through the side gate to get to the throne room.' 'Let's go save Laila'm first, then we kill Matheas.' 'Eyvallah, Sultana'm.'

Just then, a few castle soldiers appeared. They turned and saw the soldiers and the women. Hand holding sword, they clashed, and finally, the Turks killed the infidels. 'Ali! Search their bodies for the keys!' Ali crouched beside the dead soldiers, fumbling around their pockets.

Zunere turned to the dungeon doors, banging against it. 'Laila! If you are there, we are here for you! We will come!' 'Hanim, here are the keys.' 'Give.' She pulled the keys from his hands, and pushed them into the lock. The door shuddered opened, and Zunere and Ali rushed in. Other soldiers checked the jails, until Zunere came up to the last room.

In it, was a small figure, lying in the corner of the room. 'Open the door!' It opened, and Zunere rushed in. The figure was female, by her dress. She crouched beside the figure, carefully grabbing her chin. The girl whimpered. Those green eyes. 'Laila....' 'Z-Z-Zunere.' The girl looked up, in pain.

'Ah, Laila, what have they done to you?' 'T-t.' 'T-what?' 'Tra-' At that, she fell unconscious. 'Laila?' She shook her. 'Soldiers! Bring a stretcher!' They lifted Laila and put her on the stretcher. 'Aleezé, we need to go now!'

Aleezé nodded, following after Zunere. They made their way to the side gate, and Zunere used the keys to open it. They met a few soldiers on the way, but they were all killed. An arrow shot past them. Zunere looked where it came from. 'Kasim?' 'Zunere Sultan. How are you?' 'Hain Kopek. How could you do this to our Sultan, Kasim?' 'If only you married me last year, none of this would have happened, and your lovely friend wouldn't have needed to be taken.' 'I would never marry you, not for anything in the world! Now you will pay for taking Laila!'

An arrow shot from the other direction. Her soldiers put up their sheilds. 'Tekfur Matheas.' 'Yes, it is I, little princess. You really thought that we would let you get away.' Zunere clenched her jaw, growling out of frustration. They were trapped. 'How will you escape us? No one can help you.'

'You say that, but even when you think no one is there, Allah is. Allah will help us, whether we die or not. We either die as martyrs, or live as ghazis!' That was the signal to attack. The palace soldiers pulled back their shields, and stabbed out their swords. 'Close!' They covered themselves with their shields.

This tactic went on until the last people standing were Kasim and Matheas. Zunere unshielded, walking up to them. She lifted her armed arm up, pointing it at them. 'We will leave this castle all well, and you as corpses, traitors.' Emir Kasim struck his sword at her, but she dodged it, before returning an attack. She grabbed her dagger with her left hand, before stabbing it into a dazed Matheas. He fell dead, and Kasim looked back at her.

Zunere threw the dagger at Kasim, and it pierced his leg, making him fall to his knees. She trailed her sword at his neck, circling him. 'The price of betrayal, is death.' She swung her sword around, before beheading Kasim. 'Hainler temezlenecek!'

-side note

So, another one. Lolz. Anyways, how was it? YASSSSSSSSSSSSSS KASIM DIED! wooohooooooooooo. Remember vote and comment lygsmmmmmmm ♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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