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Zunere Hatun woke up in a mess. Her dry tears stained her face, and her dress ripped. Her plaits were undone, and knotted. She sighed before looking outside. It was Fajr time. She went to her bathroom, and performed ablution. She prayed her namaz, and few extra nafls. Her duas were pointed to the poor in the world. But also for her father, to make him not get her married off.

She finished her dua, before putting away her prayer mat. For 2 hours, she sat and read Quran and did Dhikr. Her cat, Tuzcu, always sat patiently beside her, but today, he meowed loudly. 'Tuzcu, sh, you'll wake up the whole palace.' However, she still stroked him, and fed him.

'Destur Varmidir, Hanim?' 'Gel, Laila'm.' Laila Hatun walked in with a pile of clothes in her arms. 'Hanim'im, your father wants you and Osman to wear new clothes, and look nice.' 'Why?' 'You know why, Sultana'm, we have guests today.' 'Or is it because my father wants to wrap me like a gift to send to the bed of Kasim?!' 'Sultana'm!' Laila did not know how to reply to such words. 'Your father wants what's best for you, he wouldn't do such a thing. You mustn't say that.'

Zunere groaned before getting into the blue dress provided. Thank Allah that it was plain. Her father made her wear such elaborate dresses, and sometimes they would be too heavy. He probably wanted to make her feel better, after the night before. Her headpiece had a very limited amount of gold on it, and wasn't as heavy as her usual ones. She was still forced to wear a tiara, and she ran around the room trying to get away from Laila.

'LAILA, KEEP THAT CROWN AWAY FROM ME! OR I SWEAR BY ALLAH, I WILL KILL YOU!' Zunere's voice went high, and Laila laughed. She finally managed to stick the tiara on her head.

'Destur Varmidir, Abla.' Zunere's ears perked up. 'Gel, my favourite little Osman!' Osman ran in. 'Abla, look Laila Baci brought new clothes.' Zunere smiled at his innocence. 'Yes, and you look very handsome, Osman'im.'

'Sultan Melikshah Hazretleri!' The Sultan walked in, as Zunere looked up at him. He was wearing his Sultan hat, showing he meant business. 'Today, evlatlar, we will have a guest. Emir Kasim Hayyat Hazretleri of Aleppo.' Zunere flinched at his name, but he stood proudly. 'We will treat him properly in my palace.'

5 year old Osman was jumping, and so excited. 'I love meeting guests, Shah-babam.' 'Osman, this a very important guest, important to our dynasty.' He looked at Zunere. 'You will sit with Laila, and not speak.' Osman sucked his thumb, sad at his father. 'And as for you, Zunere Hatun, you will join us at the table, and will speak to Emir Kasim.' Zunere nodded, her lips pressed in a thin line.

*30 minutes later*

The Sultan and Zunere Hatun were standing in the smaller dining room.

'Emir Kasim Hayyat Hazretleri!' The Sultan briefly looked at Zunere, who had her head bowed, and had a pained expression.

Zunere tensed as he greeted them. 'Sultan'im. Zunere Hatun.' He said as he eyed her up and down. She had a nice body, which was pretty covered up with her dress. However, the Sultan didn't notice where his eyes were, and continued talking.

As they moved to the table, Kasim edged towards Zunere. 'Blue is my favourite colour.' She shifted uncomfortably, until he moved away and sat down.

'Welcome to my table, Emir Kasim. We can talk about the important things that you wanted to discuss later. First, let's break bread together, as we haven't for so long.' Sultan Melikshah broke the bread into three pieces, one for him, one for Kasim and one for Zunere. She sat quietly and ate, whilst Kasim and the Sultan spoke about the old days.

'Ya, Kasim, we have eaten, and we have spoken, it's time for you to tell us why your here.' Zunere looked painfully at her soup. 'Sultan'im.' He paused, staring at Zunere. She felt his eyes boring into her, and she turned to face the Sultan. 'You know that our state would be much stronger if we joined you. If we had blood ties with you, then you will have more power.' 'That's true. But this can only result in marriage. Ayyy, Kasim, you are still young, marriage won't hurt.' 'Sultan'im, if you want,........I would like to marry your own daughter, Zunere Sultan.' He gestured towards her.

Zunere froze in her seat, trying to take it all in. She had spoken with her father, but this was a real man, in the flesh, asking to marry her. The Sultan had seen her reaction. 'Emir Kasim, right now, my daughter is still young. Of course, I will give her to you, but, maybe next year. You know I'm not one for young marriage, after seeing what it did to Ailey.'

Zunere's heart dropped at her mother's name.

'Kizim.' The voice interrupted her thoughts. 'What do you say?' 'I .....I don't know.' Kasim scowled. Why couldn't she just accept her fathers decisions? He wanted her now, not only because she was beautiful, but also because she would be the perfect ending to his plan to join with the Tekfur, and plan to kill Melikshah. 'Baba, give me some time to think my answer.' 'Tamam kizim, after all this is your future we are talking about.


An hour later, they had finished and packed up. Emir Kasim was to stay at the palace, which Zunere didn't feel comfortable about. Laila stood next to her, as she muttered to herself. 'See, Laila, I told you. Did you see how happy my father was when Kasim asked for marriage. And he said yes. Allah'im, give me sabr.' 'Selam, Zunere Hatun.' She froze. It was that same low, rough voice. 'Maid, you leave.' Laila looked unhappily at the man. 'I said leave!' Laila jumped, before looking over at Zunere. As much as she didn't want to be with Kasim alone, she could see he had anger issues. She nodded Laila away.

'So Zunere Hatun, have you thought over it yet?' 'Thought about what?' 'Our marriage.' 'Emir Kasim....' 'Aren't you going to say anything, Zunere. I will treat you good.' Zunere looked down, already hating his presence. 'Emir Kasim, my Baba supports this marriage, however, I do not. I will try my best to stop this, and you should know a limit too.'

'Your father knows this will benefit his state, and if you do anything to stop it, he will only punish you, but will still make you marry me.' 'A man like you- can I even call you a man- who shouts at my maids, who treats me like a doll, and who speaks like you don't fear Allah, I will never marry.' Kasim scoffed, as Zunere stared at him.

'Oyyyy, Zunere Hatun. You speak like this, but when I become your husband, you won't be able to talk like this.' Her eyes widened at what he just said. 'How dare you say that?! I am Sultan Melikshah's daughter Zunere Hatun, and no man can tell me to be quiet!' 'Please, Zunere, for the sake of your father and brother, for the sake of your devlet, marry me. My proposal may not suit you, but it's sincere.' He eyed her up and down.

'My eyes are here, and I swear by Allah, that if you look at me like that again, I will cut out your eyes. And if you talk like that again, I will cut out your tongue.' 'Still, it's feels amazing to be hated by you too.' 'Know your limits, Kasim. Or I won't be afraid to tell my father what you are doing.' 'Laila!'

Laila hurried to Zunere. 'Get one of the guards to escort Emir Kasim to his room.' Laila smiled before taking Kasim away. She breathed out. Whenever he was there, she couldn't breathe, and suffocated. Tears filled her eyes. He was a horrible man, and just wanted her. Allah.

-side note

Yay. Yassss another. I just keep writing things at night, and the next day I publish them. I will write another soon. Remember vote and comment! Lygsm

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