about us

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Chapter 1: A smile that could end wars and cure cancer.

I opened my eyes and yawned, then looked over at his side of the bed. He was looking at, he had a huge grin on his face.
" You are here"
I said to him and he nodded
" I was thinking about how I proposed to you"
He said, I touched his face then he held my hand and kissed it.
Me" Michael"
" You weren't here yesterday"
Michael" I am always here Balisa, you were just sleeping when I got home"
" Calm down"
Me" Don't go anywhere again"
He giggled
Michael" I need to work and so do you, remember? We need the money, we are parents now"
Me" Is she here too?"
Micheal" Yes, she is still fast asleep. Rest before she wakes up and starts making a lot of noise"
Me" First tell me our love story, I need to hear it from you. You tell it better than me"

"We met at the small coffee cart in Walmer, you were wearing denim shorts and a Harry Potter t-shirt. You were butchering some song and I stared at you the entire time, you were in your own world. The rest of us didn't exist, your favorite part of the song probably came on because you suddenly had a huge smile on your face then you continued singing. You took out your earphones then ordered your coffee, I felt weird just watching you so I decided to approach you and we hit it off immediately. I offered to take you home and you declined, we exchanged numbers and 3 days later we went on our first day. I remember offering to fetch you in New Brighton and you said "it's not safe for you" hahaha I knew it too but I wanted to impress you by being fearless. We dates for 7 weeks and I asked you to marry me on week 8 hahaha, my friends thought I was insane. Hell, I did too but they didn't know you the way I did. They didn't know us. Our parents were not happy but we didn't care, because we had each other. It's all we ever needed anyway"
Me" How did you propose to me? Hahaha"
Michael" Hahaha fine, I took you to our favorite book store and on the window it was written 'Balisa please marry me, so we can tell the rest of our story together' and you walked right past the whole thing because you were too focused on the buy one and get one free special. The bookstore owner then asked you "Can I see the ring" and you were so confused. When I explained to you, I love how you roared with laughter then ran out of the shop just to go read and then you returned and asked me to marry you."
We both looked at each other and smiled, I was crying, I always cry when he tells this story.
" We got married at the parking lot where we met hahaha, we got married after dating for just 3 months. We moved into our house, and started our lives together. You woke me up and told me you were pregnant, we played Maroon 5's What Lovers Do and danced on top of the bed."
Me" And you captured every moment of the pregnancy. Which was a bit unnecessary if you ask me"
Micheal" Hey, we needed to capture the moments"
Me" Even me throwing up?"
Micheal" Babe, you lack vision, we will use those pictures to show Harlow why she shouldn't send us to an old age home"
" She basically owes us for being awesome"
Me" Did you capture the moment when you were crying while I was the one who was giving birth?"
"I feel we need that too"
Michael" Hahaha no one needs to see that. I wasn't crying, it was hot and someone was chopping onions"
Me" Sure"
Michael" As Mrs White you are supposed to take my side"
Me" Hahaha the black mrs White"
We both laughed at that.
Michael" Hahaha that joke never gets old"
Me" Mikey"
" After I got discharged I thought I lost you and Harlow on our way home"
He kept quiet, I closed my eyes.
Micheal" Sleep, you'll wake up feeling better"
Me" Will you be here when I wake up?"
Micheal" I have known you for almost two years and I have been with you everyday since then. I will ALWAYS be with you Billy. Sleep"


1 WEEK Later

" Balisa!!!"
I heard the door creak and I looked at the door.
"Hello Sisi, ndicinga seni mkile"
It was my helper Mama Gladys, she has been with Michael and I since day one. She used to work for the people who owned this house before us, when they moved she was going to be unemployed so we decided to take her. We never gave her instructions, instead she just told us how to run a house as big as this one. We laughed at how bossy she was but we appreciated her being around, especially when our parents were not as supportive of our "short gun wedding".
Me" Ngubani ixesha?"
Gladys" Half 10"
Me" Yho, enkosi Mama"
I got out of bed, took a shower then played music while looking for something to wear. I also sent Micheal a text; "You didn't wake me up!! I am late for work, will probably be home late. I have so much to do". I got dressed then went to the nursery to check on Harlow but there was no one there. I guess Gladys already took her. I went to the garage and our car wasn't there, I guess he tool the car today. This thing of having one car is getting on my nerves. I requested uber, arrived at work and everyone was staring at me. I am definitely not the first person to skip maternity leave. I was never meant for staying at home.
" You are here"
My colleague said and I nodded then walked past her. We were not even friends.
" Balisa can I see you in my office?"
My boss said, I got up followed her to the office.
Stephanie" Are you sure about this?"
Me" Yes, I am going crazy at home"
Stephanie" I thought you'd need more time"
Me" I can't take any more time. I rested enough"
Stephanie" I'll just speak to HR and see what they say"
Me" Okay thank you"
She looked at me like she felt sorry for me, she probably thinks Harlow and I didn't bond enough. She keeps Michael and I up all night. That's all the bonding we need, she may be the most beautiful baby to ever walk the earth but I need to work.
Stephanie" I am here, if you need to vent"
Me" Thank you"
Stephanie" Okay"


After work I went straight home, Gladys had already left, there was food in the microwave. I guess everyone else already ate, I had a bite of my meat then ran to the nursery to pump. I looked around and Michael was seated on the chair rocking Harlow back and forth.
"Hey babe"
He said, he signaled that Harlow was falling asleep. I walked over to them, I kissed my husband's forehead then Harlow's cheek. I finished pumping and he put her down to sleep, we watched her sleep then decided this was weird so we went to watch t.v. instead.
" I miss slow dancing with you"
I said to him
Michael" Get up, let's dance right now"
"Pick a song"
Me" Aren't you tired?"
Michael" There's nothing in this world that will stop me from making you happy. Not even these silly back pains"
I grabbed my phone and I played A Little More by Alessia Cara. We slow danced for what felt like eternity, he kept on stealing glances and kisses.
Me" I love you so much"
Michael" I love you too Billy"
Me" I never understood why you call me Billy"
He smiled
Michael" I'll tell you one day"
Me" Thought as much"
Michael" Just dance with me"

The things we lost in the rain Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora