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Chapter 6: I used to be happy


" Michael White!!!!!!!!!"
" I am pregnant!! Wake up"
I got on top of the bed and jumped on top of him. He was laughing.
Me" Babe, I am pregnant"
Michael" Are you serious?"
I grabbed my phone and played Maroon 5 ft SZA What Lovers Do.
Me" We did what lovers do, and I have a survivor in my stomach"
" Now get up! So we can dance"
We danced on the bed, singing along to the song. Then had the most amazing sex.
Michael" Hello baby Harry"
Me" It's definitely a Harlow"
Michael" Wanna bet on it?"
Me" Yes!, if you are wrong, I want a BMW  M4 and a 100 books for the library"
Michael" And if you lose, we are going to Bali and you are paying for everything"
Me" Deal"
Micheal" Deal"
" Now I'm about to go tell Gladys that we are about to be parents"
Me" Too late"
Michael" You told Gladys before me?!"
Me" You were sleeping"
" Plus she suspected I was pregnant because I have been throwing up"
Michael" This marriage has a whole lot of people in it"
Me" Hahaha tell your parents"
Michael" I love you"
Me" You bet your ass you do"
We both giggled, I had to get ready for work. So I left him in bed, took a shower, I decided to wear jeans, a white shirt and black court heels. I did my weave and put on some make up.
"Babe am I taking the car?"
I asked him and he had a huge smile on his face.
Michael" First of all, you are the most beautiful woman in the entire world"
" I can drop you off, I have to see a client in Port Alfred today"
Me" I'll a taxi today, I don't want to be late"
"Please drop me off at Makro"
Michael" Are you sure?"
Me" Yes, lets go"
Michael" Okay"
" This having one car is causing tension between us"
Me" It's not, I don't mind taking a taxi. I'll meet you at Ocean Basket later and we can have supper there"
Michael" Give me five minutes"
" I'll shower and we can go"

I went to tell the guys Musa and Jackson that I'm pregnant. They were so happy for me, Michael and I don't know how to tell people to do their jobs. It's strange yena because he owns a business, but here at home, we have no boundaries with our workers. They know the house is open season, theu come in to watch t.v. or make themselves food. The only place that's off limits is our bedroom, Jackson lives here while Gladys and Musa go home.
" Let's go pregnancy Barbie"
We all laughed, he greeted the guys then we walked to the car. He stopped at Spar, which pissed me off a little because I was runny late. He returned with granola bars, fruit slices and water.
Michael" Anger doesn't look good on you"
Me" Whatever old man, whatever"
We listened to some radio while making small talk. He actually took me to work, then I got confused when he got off the car.
" And then?"
I asked him, he ignored me carrying on to take his laptop bag and mine.
Me" Aren't you suppose to drive to Port Alfred?"
Michael" I sent one of my interns, today it's take your husband to work day"
" Yes, I made that up"
Me" Your sister is here"
Michael" I can ignore Stephanie, it's really not that hard"
I rolled my eyes, we went inside, the staff meeting had already started. I listened to what Olivia was saying, then Stephanie chipped in. The rest of the minute was about new clients and we were handed folders, then back to our desks.
" You don't have an office?"
Michael asked and I chuckled, only Olivia and Stephanie have offices. The rest of us just work wherever we can sit or just go to restaurants to get some work done. This is not a formal work environment.
Me" Take a bin bag and work"
Michael" This is not normal, and why is everyone watching t.v.?"
Me" It's research, babe I need to work"
Michael" You know between the student accommodation and the events company, we generate enough money. I'm just saying this is madness"
Me" Hahaha I love my job, you can go chill with your little sister. She has a desk and a chair"
Michael" Nope, pregnancy Barbie you are stuck with me. Let's work"
" Can I order myself some food?"
Me" Mikey, I love you to bit but if you don't shut up, I will kick you out of this office"
Michael" Definitely the hormones speaking"
I didn't want to laugh but I did, we worked in silence and before I knew it I was done.
Me" Let's go out for lunch. My treat"
Michael" Give me a minute, my back is killing me"
Me" You are dramatic"

We went home instead of going to a restaurant, we decided to have a picnic and just catch up. We have both been busy with work and this was the perfect thing for us to do.
" Will you tell your parents about the pregnancy?"
He asked, and I gave him a death stare. He is constantly trying to make me mend a relationship with people who don't want me in their lives.
Me" No, I don't see why I should"
Michael" They are your parents"
Me" They kicked me out"
"They asked you to pay them 900 thousand for Lobola"
We both laugh at that, my parents really tried to sabotage my relationship and in all honesty I still don't understand why they would do the things they did.
Michael" Hahaha that aside, they are still your parents. And Harry/Harlow will be their first grandchild"
Me" I'll cross that bridge when Harlow/Harry gets here"
Michael" Stubborn"
Me" No lies there"
" Can we please eat?"
Michael" Yes Billy, God forbid you go hungry while we discussing important things"
Me" Sarcasm?"
Michael" Guess it's not since you have to ask"
Me" Mean!"
Michael" I am sorry"
Me" I forgive you"
Just like that the fight was over, we ate our food.
" Do you think they can see us? If I were to get on top of you right now, do you think the staff will see us?"
Michael" I doubt it"
" We can always try"
I have only had sex with Michael, so my experience is limited in that sense but I deserve my flowers. When I get on top, when I move my waist I watch his soul leave his body. It's how he holds my breast as I grind on him, maybe it's how we are always ready to pleasure each other or how he knows exactly what I want before I even know that I want it.
" I love you"
We kissed, then he covered me with the his shirt.
Me" I love you too babe"
He kissed my back then  cuddled up behind me.
Michael"  Let's go"
Me" To?"
Michael" Where do you want to go?"
Me" I don't know"
Michael" Let's go to Zanzibar"
"Or Phuket, or both. Let's go on our honeymoon"
Me" Phuket"
" However I changed my things yesterday, so we will have to wait"
Michael" Let's wait it out in Cape Town, lets enjoy us before Harry/Harlow gets here"
Me" Okay"
Michael" I'll let you tell Gladys she is on leave until we return, since I am planning this holiday for us"
Me" Hahaha we can't be this scared of someone who works for us"
Michael" I am terrified of her and she is only 3 years older than me. I trust you to handle this for us"
Me" Hahaha I can just imagine you screaming and hiding behind me during a house burglary"
Micheal" Scream like Mariah Carey"
Me" Hahaha you should be ashamed"
Michael" I worked hard so I can afford the protection that I need. I can't fight Billy, best believe I am hiring people to do it for me"
" Money is there to make our lives easier."
Me" Great speech, now go speak to Gladys and tell her to stop doing our laundry, cooking and ironing your clothes. Tell her your wife wants to do those thing for you"
Michael" Hahaha I am not doing that"
" I'll just tell them we are going away for a while and it's fine if she doesn't come in because we will still pay her either way"
Me" Let me just reserve my comment"
Michael" Let's focus on us, forget about Gladys for a minute"

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