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Chapter 9: The unspoken


I don't have friends, never had a friend, they were never necessary to me. Friendships require so much and I never felt like I had anything to give in return, so I just decided to steer clear from them. Throughout primary and high school, all I did was study and read books. In varsity I kept to myself, I spoke when spoken to because that polite but otherwise I had no intention to be part of any "squads". Michael and I are different in so many ways, he has a village of friends and I don't have a single one. So when he we goes fishing with his friends or to a braai, I never even suggest to join him. It's just not my scene, I don't like people.
" What are you doing today?"
He left for some cycling thing with his friends, he will return tomorrow.
Me" Buying books for the library, then lunch"
Michael" I'll see you tomorrow"
Me" Call me later"
"Where are the keys?"
Michael" Ask Gladys. She probably moved them anyway"
Me" Was avoiding that"
Michael" Bye Billy hahaha"
He ended the call, I charged my phone then went to take a bath. I planned my outfit yet when I got to my closet I decided on something else. I decided on a white bodycon dress because I wanted to show off my stomach, haha there was not much there but I had a visible bump. I did my hair, then ran back to the closet to change my shoes, I wore Dior x Nike Airforce 1 because Michael hates them and I can wear them since he isn't around. Then I took a jacket because Gladys would shout at me for not covering but I'm married.

I went to the book shop, got my nails done, bought Michael a new Xbox game, and now I am off to lunch.
Now I am a sweetheart, but nothing I hate more than bumping into an ex boyfriend who wants to make small talk. I don't think I should even qualify as his ex because he bumped me as soon as I told him I want to stay a virgin my wedding night. He ghosted. Honestly, I thought Sakhi and I would get married one day.
Me" Hey you"
He hugged me which was really unnecessary and awkward.
Sakhi" How are you?"
Me" Am okay and how are you?"
Sakhi" Watshata, you really got married and then fell pregnant. Guess you stuck to your plan"
I nodded, I think I bored him. I don't think it was the virginity thing. I just think I was too boring for him, he was very social while I was never in the mood for anything. Him and I were just wrong in so many ways.
Me" Hahaha I guess I did, it was all worth the wait"
Sakhi" I saw on your instagram"
Me" Oh yea, forgot I have you on there"
This conversation is upsetting me and Harlow/Harry.
Sakhi" Well it was nice to see you"
Me" Yea same here"
" Sho"
I stared at him for a good minute and I wondered why not him. Why did it work with Michael and not someone my own age. Yet even though I was this curious, I would never trade it for anything. I love how my story goes. It's my favorite love story.


The following morning I woke up with Michael's hand on my stomach. He was fast asleep, he probably left there early just to get here before I wake up. I moved his hand, then slowly got out of bed. I went to brush my teeth and then went to make him breakfast, Musa was already in the house.
Me" Aren't you off today?"
Musa" Hahaha ndine visitor Bali, ngoku ndifuna nje umenzela something to eat"
We both giggled, he wasn't that much older than me.
Me" I need to tell Michael about this hahaha"
" Uzothi uyawagqiba la mantombi kule Theescombe"
We both giggled, he finished making food.
Musa" Niyahamba today?"
Me" Ufuna uthini? Hahaha please keep your guests on your side of the farm"
We both laughed
Musa" Hahaha yhuuu Balisa, asoze"
Me" Hahaha not sure what's the plan for today plus kuyanetha. Noba asihambi"
Musa" Hayke ndiyahamba mna. See you Monday"
Me" I knew it hahaha"
" Let me go tell Michael, ndifuna akuhleke"
I ran to our room and woke him up, in retrospect this was a selfish but necessary deed.
" Hahaha babe you were right, Musa is leaving today"
He chuckled, Musa always disappears on his pay day. Always and Michael laughs at him when he comes in the house to eat because he never buys himself groceries.
Me" There's a lady in his house"
Michael" Hahaha he is so predictable"
" Good Morning babe"
We kissed
Me" I wanted to make you some breakfast, but if you are up for it, I can be your breakfast"
Michael" I love you"



" Elsa is here"
I stared at him, why would Micheal's mother visit my uncle.
Me" Why?"
Uncle" To see you obviously, iza Balisa"
I got up and followed after my uncle. I was shocked to see all three of them. I mean I've been avoiding their calls and I haven't been to work in ages, unless Stephanie needed to fire me in the presents of her parents. And Michael was just here for moral support.
Elsa" Balisa"
She got up and gave me a hug.
"We heard what happened, oh sweetheart, this is not right"
Garry" Let her sit Elsa"
Me" I am fine now and well rested"
" I was actually planning on asking Mikey to come fetch me, I miss Harlow"
They all stared at my uncle and he nodded.
Garry" I don't know how to tell you this"
" If I tell you and you feel the pain we all been feeling then it will hurt even more"
Me" What's wrong?"
Elsa" We need to make the funeral arrangements Balisa"
" I am so sorry sweetheart but you need to come say your goodbyes"
"Get out please"
Garry" Look at me Balisa"
Me" No, because you will say it and I don't want you to say it. So please don't say it"
" I don't want to hear it, please don't say it"
I looked up at Michael and he wasn't saying anything. I looked at him again and he had a stain on his shoulder, it looked like milk. I giggled because I thought they were all here to tell me Harlow died.
Garry" We need to have the funeral, we don't want to have it without you. I however don't think I can hold it all off any longer"
" You are not okay, and all this pain you are avoiding will not do you any good. Let yourself grieve"
Me" Who died?"
"It can't be Michael and Harlow because they are here, can't be my parents because you wouldn't be here. So who died?"
They all looked at each other, Garry held my hand.
Garry" 4 weeks ago you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, we were all there with you. It was such a beautiful day. You were discharged from the hospital two days later, and it was raining. It must have been hard to navigate the car in that weather, and that's why he stopped it. Wayne got out of the car and that's when it all happened"

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