A short reminder

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Chapter 13: We almost did that together.

1 Month AGO

"The baby will be here in two weeks"
We were both stressing, we were just not prepared for this. We decided to move our things to our new home, and have a nursery for Harlow here because we will spend the first month here then move to Bedfordview. It was a simple plan right?, except for the fact that we forgot to buy baby clothes. We bought everything and moved it, here we didn't have anything. 
" You need to stop crying"
He said and I gave him a death stare, he really annoys me sometimes. 
"You get that Harry is next?"
I rolled my eyes, I hate how Michael sometimes has mastered the art of pointing out the obvious. 
Me" 2 months apart, I know it's my womb and your fault"
He giggled, I have never heard of superfatation and I wish I never did. The stats are so low, maybe that's why not a lot of people know about. Michael somehow managed to get me pregnant while I am already pregnant with Harlow. Yes, I am carrying two children. I almost died when we heard these news, I think we were both scared but for different reasons. The most important thing is that we were scared. So that's us now. 
Michael" On the bright side, we will be done with babies"
Me" Hahaha I thought we wanted 9 children"
Michael" Excuse me?"
Me" We can definitely do it"
Michael" Hahaha just because you can doesn't mean you should moment?"
" This applies here"
Me" You lack imagination"
Michael" And you are not sane at this moment, I'll excuse this one"
Me" Hahaha you are so rude today. I need a break from you"
Michael" Billy"
" I am excited to meet my babies"
Me" We practice on Harlow and then be professionals by the time Harry gets here"
" Genius"

Michael" Are you scared?"

Me" Of giving birth?"

Michael" Yea"

Me" I am scared of not meeting them, I have read so many stories of women not surviving after giving birth"

"That's my biggest fear; death"

Michael" Morbid"

Me" You asked"

"I fear you will just not want to live and give up on everything. So I am definitely surviving child birth, I met you and suddenly dying isn't something I want to go through"

Michael" And if I die before you?"

Me" I will never survive that"

"I don't even want to experience it, I don't remember how life before you was and I don't want to go back there"

Michael" I'd want you to find love"

Me" I don't want that"

Michael" woah woman, listen to me"

I giggled and he leaned over to kiss my forehead.

"Loving you was the highlight of my life, I don't think I would be scared of death because I got to love you and have children with you. I however don't want it to happen now, I am not done. I have plans for us, our children and Elena. Think that's the part that scares me, the idea of dying before fixing things with Elena"

Me" You were right, this is just morbid"

Michael" I told you"

" I should probably go stalk Elena and maybe she will answer my calls"

Me" She will, I will take a nap"

Michael" Dream about me?"

Me" I will, you know this"

Michael" Lies"

Me" Yes, but are they not comforting?"

We both laughed, he kissed me then left the room. I fell asleep within a minute.



Michael kissed my forehead and I opened both my eyes. It was dark outside, that means I actually slept the entire day. 

"What's the time?"

I asked, he gave me a plate of food and I giggled because he knows I hate trays. 

"It's a little after 8 p.m."

He made me drink some water then I ate my food. We made some small talk about his day and then he updated me about the coffee shop. 

Me"  I am so tired"

Michael" You scared me there for a second"

"We spoke about deathe and you slept for 7 hours, when I got home and saw that you were still sleeping. I imagined the worst, just for a second"

I kissed him then offered a smile;

"I love you Mikey"

I said then fed him some spinach. 

Micheal" Hahahaa I love you too"

"Let's go take a bath"

I think we both just realized that we will soon be joined by Harlow and we won't have any of these moments as much. We took a bath, watched our favorite documentary and then had sex. Michael and I were at the best moments of our marriage. 

"Are you sleepy?"

He nodded

Me" Sleep my love, I'll carry on packing"

Michael" Okay"


The following day I woke up crying because of brixton kicks and I was so sure I was giving birth. I forced Michael to take me to the hospital, well I was wrong the babies were still inside and not ready to come out.

" So glad that was a false alarm"

Michael said and I giggled, we both share the same fears. I think we are scared of being shitty parents, I didn't have the best parents. 

Me" Harlow is definitely ready to make an exit"

Michael" Hahaha why are you being weird?"

Me" Why are you scared?"

Michael" Not scared just unprepared"

Me" We will be fine. We are awesome"

Michael" I love you Billy"

Me" Enough to change your mind about naming Harry?"

Michael" Change it to what?"

Me" Michael Jackson Junior"

We both laughed, but I was actually serious about this. 

"Michael Ross"

I said and he kissed my forehead

Michael" Definitely"

Me" 2 more weeks and nothing will ever be the same again"

Michael" Two more weeks to focus on just us before everything changes forever"

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