chapter 5 | 10:00 PM

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It's been a week since I realised my crush. Brandon left 2 days after I confessed about my crush to my friends.

Brandon's like an over-protective brother. He went on and on about how boys can be cavemen and how I shouldn't just get deceived by the looks.

He even reminded me of self defence techniques saying, "I can't believe you anymore given that you simply followed a, just to be safe."

Claire wasn't any less. They're really protective of me which I'm very thankful for. I can never appreciate them enough.

This past week wasn't that eventful.

Except for stalking him.

Shut up brain. It's not stalking. It's called admiring from a distance without disturbing the other party.

Sure. It's a decent way to describe stalking. You stalker!

You talk like you're not the one who led me to do that.



Did I just win an argument with my brain? Doesn't that mean I lost too?

Ugh!!! Whatever. I don't know anymore. This guy's really messing with my mind.

I couldn't know much about him just by following him around, except for his schedule.

I still don't understand how we don't have even a single class together.

I thought it would be easy to find his name cause, you know, he's already popular. Not in a good way actually.

But guess what I got . His nickname.

I heard that from the girls gossiping in the washroom.

Apparently , he always looks cool and handsome yet he's the coldest guy according to the girls. So what's the nickname , you ask?


Really?? Who even came up with that. Not gonna lie.... It's too cliche and lame.

I'd say something like prince would suit him better. I mean look at him. He's got the most mesmerizing eyes I've ever seen. Haven't anyone, I mean, not a single soul noticed that??

Shaking my head at the cliche I exited the washroom.

Just when I exited the washroom, I found him in the farthest corner of the corridor.

He was leaning against the wall scrolling through his phone with his earphones plugged in.

How can he look so effortlessly stunning just by doing something so simple?

Even from this far?

My shameless brain questioned even tho I know the answer very well.

I don't know if he's really that stunning or it's just me.

It might be just you given that you practically stalked him.

Aaagghhhh!! I think I'm gonna go insane.

I wanted to start a conversation with him atleast now. So I walked towards him. But as I was getting closer, his head started tilting, indicating that he might've noticed someone coming his way.

I immediately put my head down and walked past him.

I almost cursed the hero in movies when they did something like this while trying to approach their crush aka the heroine.

Now I understand why.

But while walking past him, I saw a bag beside him. It's his bag. There was a notebook on which I think I saw a name.

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