Chapter Three: Teke Teke

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A few nights later, me and another alicorn named Michelle were taking a walk at nighttime outside KISSWorld.

We told the guys that we wouldn't be gone long, and that everything will be fine.

Or so we thought.

Right as we made it to an abandoned train yard, I heard something that sounded like something with claws was crawling on the ground.

"Did you hear that"?

I whispered, and then Michelle heard it too.

Then, we noticed that the sound was getting closer.

"It's coming in our direction".

I said.

"It's probably just—

Michelle started to speak, but then she stopped in mid-sentence.

I turned my head and my eyes went wide at the horrible sight.

A girl crawling was dragging herself on the tracks.

What was even more terrifying was that she had no legs

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What was even more terrifying was that she had no legs.

I let out a scared gasp.

We both started running as fast as possible.

But then I accidentally tripped over my own feet and fell to the ground.

Michelle stopped and then she watched in horror as legless spirit began crawling quickly towards me.

She ran to save me and before she could, I screamed bloody murder as my lower torso separated from my body.

Teke Teke crawled away and then disappeared into the darkness.

Tek tek tek tek tek tek tek.

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