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Ron and Harry were now in the middle of their game when the chess box started to clear itself and floated right back into a cabinet behind the professors. Students started to file in one after another. The volume in the Great hall increased tremendously by people talking about Draco and I's new love affair.

Plates, forks, knifes and other utensils were floating around being passed out to each student. Everyone was starving and ready to eat.

About an hour passes (7:00 if anyone is lost lmfao) and we were all stuffed. Ron was staring off into the abyss, Hermione had her face buried into her hands, and Harry was rubbing his stomach which was now aching

"Harry mate you look pregnant rubbing you stomach like that." Ron blurted which caused under the influence sounding laughs coming from the four of us.

After a couple of minutes I finally had the strength to lift my head up from my hands. I looked down the Gryffindor table and spotted Fred talking with random 7th year boys. He noticed I saw him and looked down towards me and genuinely smiled, then continued his conversation

"OoOoOh is someone gushing over a boy that is 2 years older than you and related to your best friend" Hermione joked

"Mione shut up you don't know what your talking" I retorted

"Sure alright" she said sarcastically

"Do you have to talk about my brother like this in front of me?" Ron turned to Hermione

"Ron stop being a baby-" Harry added

"OKAY THEN" I said trying to not start a fight.

"Hermione do you wanna go back to our room and take a nap?" I asked "yes please... umm can you help me up?"

I slapped my hand into hers and pulled her up.

"You know Ron I think we better do the same."

The four of us left the Hall before the others and headed off to the portrait.

When we finally made it to our dorm, Hermione slumped down into her bed and I went off to the bathroom to change into a comfy shirt and pajama pants.

"So when's the death trap- I mean Slytherin party starting anyway" she said with a grin on her face as I walked out

"Haha very funny. If you must know it starts at 12 so I'll get up in a few hours and get ready alright?"

"Then can I do your make up please please please" she begged

"No. Never again"

"Okay I will admit. I did make you look like a clown in second year. BUT THAT WAS SECOND YEAR. My skills have advanced and I promise you'll look so good."

"Fine.... I'll let you do my make up this once but only this once"

"Thank you thank you, how will I ever repay you-"

"You can repay me by setting an alarm and going to bed"

I could hear her being all giddy and excited as she set the clock.

(Again sorry this was short, I promise the next ones will be longer 🗼)

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