I Promise (bxb) pt 1

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Written Jan-Feb 2021 (I actually wrote this specially for Wattpad... so ya:D)

Okay, really quick, this is a part one of three. I have the other two written, but is that something you would wanna see? Maybe vote or comment telling me? Sorry about any grammar/spelling errors, I'm very sleep deprived as I write this lol

Warning! Mention of abuse.

Now enjoy my cute lil bxb story with a demon and boyo ~0~


The curse was doomed upon him when he turned seven. In eleven years, I had to kill him. He was too much like me, too much like us, those of us who resigned in Hell. That's the thing, though. All you have to do to be like us is have the soul of a demon.

Juno King had the misfortune of having a demon's soul.

And Hell needed young demon souls.

My assignment was to kill him. His soul was already going to Hell when he died. But he needed to die young. His soul needed to grow old in Hell. I couldn't tell you why the superior demons wanted it that way or what their plans with his being or soul was, but it wasn't good. Not that most things we demons do is good.

The assignment handed to me was easy, really. Easy enough for a screw-up demon like me to not mess up. We were both around the same age, but I wasn't human like him. Supposedly, I'm evil.

The superior demons were more than happy to get rid of me a little before I turned seven. I didn't really understand the whole "concept" of killing. And now I'd have to leave the only place I called home? Sure, it sucks, but it's all I've got.

"Please, let me stay, I don't want to do anything to anyone!" I was clinging onto anything I could to prevent myself from being sucked into the portal to the human world. "Please, I'll do anything!"

"Oh, shut it Tri-Eyes," 'Tri-Eyes', my nickname because I was a demon with three eyes. "You're acting like a human seven-year-old. It'll only take half an hour if you do it right, yet you have until he turns eighteen. Now you're getting in that portal, whether you like it or not. It's bad enough our first attempt failed," this demon was really trying to get to me too, but I wasn't going to give up. "I'll throw you in if I have to."

And that's exactly what he did.

The first thing I noticed was the plain, almost sterile smell of the area. Then, constant beeps that happened every second or so. The plain white walls. A door. A door?

I frantically ran up to the door, listening for any cues. I could feel my shoulders tense, expecting one of the superior demons to hit my head or shoulder. According to them, I should think less and act more.

"You'll get more done that way, Tri-Eyes."

It seemed silent on the other side. I waited a moment more before I tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. All of the kicking and punching I did toward the door was a hopeless attempt.

I'm stuck here. I'm stuck here in this unfamiliar world.

The panic began to sink in. But that panic was quickly replaced by a sudden alarm as I turned around.

I don't know how I missed it, but a whole bed and other devices were huddled in the corner of the room. A human boy was staring at me. He didn't have horns, or a tail, or any additional eyes... he actually had a cotton patch over one of them -- his left one. His somewhat long-ish hair was dark. It reminded me of the aura of a superior demon when they were mad: clouded and unkempt. His crystal blue eye is what caught me the most.

Since I was born, I was told a human would look at me with fear. Raw, unadulterated fear. What I felt every time a demon looked at me. The only thing I've really felt up until these seven years of existence. I knew fear all too well.

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