I Promise (bxb) pt 3 (LAST PART!)

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Yay the last part that no one, once again, asked for! I like to think that maybe, just maybe, there's a reader or something that maybe likes this story. Idk:p

Any who, do y'all like this kind of stuff? Or do you prefer the more attempting-macabre stuff I do? Or none of the stuff I write? Lol let's get on with this.

Warning! Mentions of abuse and this part is a little sad too:<


When Juno's alarm went off in the morning, he turned it off, as usual. But this time, he got up right away and took me with him. I groaned in protest.

"C'mon. We've gotta get you cleaned up." Oh. Right. From the crying.

I followed him in a delayed beeline for the bathroom. By the time I reached him, he already had a washcloth and made me sit on the closed toilet. I caught a brief look of myself in the mirror and to say the least... I was a mess. Having a third eye and hair that covers your forehead while you cry means a mess to clean up.

He kneeled in front of me and took a random hair clip and clipped back the hair that fell in front of my eyes. His eye softened upon seeing my exposed face.

"You're so cute," he said before carefully dabbing my cheeks. I almost scoffed at his statement. I'm sure my swollen eyes and red cheeks are just absolutely adorable after my outburst last night. "You are!"

I forced out a short laugh. "Thanks."

He grinned at me before turning his attention back to the hot mess that is my face. When he finished cleaning the dried tears and snot off of my face, he unclipped my hair.

"There, all better. Wait," he ruffled my hair, effectively making it even messier than before. I blew some of it out of my face as he laughed. "Now it's all better," his hand landed on my lap and I took my opportunity to rest my hand on the back of his. Out of reflex, he grabs my hand. His thumb rubbed small, slow circles on the back of my hand, making me feel warm inside. "Do... you wanna tell me what was wrong last night?"

I know Juno deserves an explanation, but I can't tell him. Not yet.

"I just... I felt really sad and hopeless. And it made my chest feel heavy."

"Hm," Juno pondered for a second, stroking his chin. "Maybe I can kiss the pain away."

I wore a confused look on my face. "Huh? How is that even-"

Before I could even finish my question, Juno attacked me with soft kisses all over my face. It caught me off guard, but I found myself beginning to laugh.

"Juno, stop," I managed between laughs. The tickles warmed my heart up immensely. I had to hold him away from my face to get him to stop. "Don't you have to kiss the part that hurts?"

He glanced down at my chest. The look on his face made it clear he was up to no good. Oh boy.

"Yeah, you're right." And just like that, he was onto kissing my chest, which tickled even more.

"Juno- ha! Stop it- haha!" I could feel the air depleting from my lungs as he continued to kiss me. When I thought I was going to seriously pass out, he finally stopped.

"Do you feel better?" He asked with a smile on his face from my reaction.

"Yes, much. Thank you," I lifted his hand up to my mouth to kiss. "Now you should probably get ready for school."

He groaned, getting up from his knees. "Why do you have to ruin the mood?"

I shrugged and smiled. "Sorry," I got up and went to his bedroom to start making his bed.

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