Cliches: Why the fuck are they so popular?

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I know, we all love a good and sappy live story where it ends happily ever after but I need to bring up a few differences between a good book and a cliche book:

Cliches v.s A Good Romance Book:

C: they have the same exact plot and outcome as most other cliches
AGRB: Original and has a suspenseful outcome

C: The girl or guy doesn't know they are in love
AGRB: One of the two know they are in love with the other and tries to swoon said person.

C: Extremely Homophobic at times
AGRB: Usually very open to sexuality

C: The girl easily forgives the cheater or liar or whatnot
AGRB: The girl us pissed for weeks and months on end and will make your life a living hell till she forgives you

C: Both Characters have a horrid past and they let it define them completely
AGRB: Only one or neither of the characters have a horrid past and is unable to get over it while the other can have a horrid past and is unaffected by it or they have a normal past with no real traumatic experiences.

In all, cliches aren't one hundred percent bad or anything. They just get used so much that it makes the story boring rather quickly. To anyone using multiple cliches in their books, here is some helpful advice:



Cliches will not help you get more readers and will usually cause people to stay clear of your other books. Sure, that book could be the only one you have with cliches in it but if that is the only book of yours that people have read, chances are you need to take down the story. I know, people do like some cliches but when your book is one big cliche then you bore your reader! One or two is fine but anymore and you cause people to remove your book from their libraries.

If anyone wants me to talk about a certain subject then please be more than welcome to share that with me.

Bye guys, till next time

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