Good Girl x Bad Guy: Over used much?

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Okay, I know it's been a while but I had a novel to work on. Please excuse my absence. Gomenasai if you were worried about me.



Onto today's rant!



Okay, so you decided to read a book that had an AMAZING cover and title. It seemed like it was the next big thing. There was no way that you were going to pass this up!



Okay, the book is done and you're so FUCKING pissed. You had your hopes up for nothing. It was just another Good Girl x Bad Guy novel with different names. You're muttering about how the author should just go and fucking crawl in a hole and die.



I understand your pain. There is nothing more important than changing things up. These types of novels piss me off because they're OVERUSED!



Now, if it was your first ever novel you had written then it's okay. ::


I know that everyone thinks that you have to do the same thing but you don't! Be original! Be creative, be crazy! I will read a book that has a subplot with the romance. It drives me up a wall that no one wants to be creative! If you're creative then just leave your book in the comments and I just might check it out.



Hey, could you guys read

Warning!: extreme self advertising!

The Color Of Love and Why We Can't See It. I would really appreciate it because I finally got done with it.

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