Never-Online Authors: What about the story?

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I'm back, and I am ready to rant! That's right. Please excuse the intro, I have a cold.


So, imagine this:

You just started reading a book an you liked the first chapter, then it gets even better so you add it to your library. After ten weeks, you get through almost fifty chapters, then it stops. You shrug and shake your head before looking through the comments, all asking for an update. At first you think they need to learn to understand that the author needs some space since they have a life. But then your read when the first comment was

Which was.....FOUR YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!


What the hell? I mean, if you start a book and everything then you should either finish it, tell your readers that it is discontinued or notify them that the story will not be updated for a rather long time. Sure, you have a life and I understand that but seriously? Four years is waaaaaaay to damn long to go without an update on a good book that has over twenty thousand votes. Hell, I try to update daily if I can (-coughIhavenolifeotherthanWattpadcough-). But seriously, think about it, who would read a story that is never updated. I mean, I understand if the book is on Extended Hiatus not something like that but you could at least tell us so we don't worry our minds constantly and check for an update.


Sorry of that was rather long and no one read it, but the point is rather true for most good books other than....NOPE! I need to stop self-advertising!





Till next time, let the butthurt flow through you

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