Overly Detailed Writers: Too Complex = Boring

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Hey guys, I'm back with yet another rant! Yep. That's right, welcome to the sixth chapter of 'What The Hell Wattpad?!?'.


So this rant is on Overly Detailed Writers. (OF COURSE, YOU WOULD KNOW THAT IF YOU READ THE TITLE!!!!!)


So, why do they describe everything so deeply? Are they insecure about their writing or do they think that the greater detail it has, the better the book? I don't know and guess what?













So, there is a such thing as too much detail, which can be a big pain in the ass! Here is an example of that:

I pulled on my maroon and deep red shirt that had a few holes and tears in it because I had gotten caught on a fence once, I kept the shirt though because I thought it gave the shirt character. I then pulled on a pair of pale blue shorts that were about thirty two inches long and then pulled on a pair of white leggings and put my purse over my shoulder before walking to the mirror and smiling at my twenty dollar outfit that made me look amazing before walking out the door to go on the big date.


Who actually read the whole thing? Hell, even I didn't read it and I wrote the damn thing. If you actually read that then you just wasted fifteen seconds of your life. Too much detail makes your reader bored and scares them, but so does too little detail, so nothing like this:


I pulled on a red shirt, Blue shorts and a pair of leggings before walking out the door.


No, just no, that hurt to write. Could someone give me some cookies?


I could really use some cookies right now. Especially to go with the feels from this movie I'm watching.


WHOA! Extremely off track, back to what I was saying!!


This is what I would had done:

I pulled on a maroon shirt that was slightly ripped and a pair of light blue shorts along with some white leggings before putting my purse over my shoulder and walking out the door.


See? Not too long but not too boring. If you have to be overly detailed then do it on the kissing scenes and everything. I usually see this in books when they kiss:

They kissed, sparks flew.


Is that interesting?






Dots for sale: One batch of cookie emojis for one row of dots.

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